Bibliographic Record Procedures
Note:These instructions describe variant edition cataloging of records cataloged according to AACR2. If a variant edition is based on RDA
record, use CPM-206.
Variant edition cataloging is done by processing staff only when there
is no exact matching copy in the same language for the book in hand in CLIO or
OCLC. For maximum efficiency, the record for the variant
edition should need relatively minor adjustments.
Records that require extensive re-working should be routed for original
cataloging or they should be backlogged as any other titles without
available copy. In case of doubt, consult supervisor.
- After determining that there is no exact matching copy for book in
hand and a standard record (as defined in CPM 010 and CPM 011) is found for a variant edition,
use one of the following methods
to create the record in CLIO:
- Variant edition is from a record found in CLIO and book in hand
has no tracking or preliminary record in CLIO:
- Use the Copy Command (Records-Copy or Alt + R + Y) to create a new bib record.
- Variant edition is from a record found in OCLC and item in hand has no tracking
record in CLIO:
- Use the Export command to according to guidelines.
- Variant edition is from a record found in OCLC and tracking record exists in
- Use the Export command according to guidelines
- If necessary, Create matching 035s in both the new record and tracking record for
- Merge edited record into CLIO
- Once the record is in CLIO, edit it to match the book in hand, paying
particular attention to the following areas:
- Record Status - Leave as is
- Type of record - Leave as is
- Bibliographic level - Leave as is
- Type of Control - Leave as is
- Encoding level - Set to "_" (blank) Full level, but leave 7 as is
- Cataloging form - Leave as is
- Add or delete as necessary.
- To delete, open the 006 by clicking on its button, select "delete" and close.
- Add or delete as necessary.
- To delete, open the 007 by clicking on its button, select "delete" and close.
- Code 008 fixed fields to reflect edition in hand, paying special
attention to Date, Place, Form and Language.
- Cataloging Source should be set to d 'Other' unless record is PCC.
- Pay attention to Form of item, for monographs it should be blank.
- Replace fill-in characters with valid codes.
- Delete:
- 010 if not in book
- 011, which is obsolete, and replace with 776 if appropriate
- all 019 fields
- 020 (if not in book) or adjust to reflect edition in
- all 035 fields
- 042 field
Exception: if the 042 contains the code pcc and no headings are being changed
or added, retain the 042 in the record.
- 049 field (if in record)
- 050 (if in record) and book is cataloged for
location that does not take LC classification
- 082 (if in record)
- 09X if present
- Add or change:
- 010 and 020 (if present in the book. When cataloging a microform or
photocopy reproduction from the book's record, replace the 010 with a 776
- 040 NNC $b eng $c NNC
- Input or adjust call number
Go to Classification section
- 245 $h[microform] when processing a microform reproduction from
the book record
- 245 $h[electronic resource] when cataloging a print version based on the e-resource record
- 533 when processing a microform or photocopy reproduction from the book
- Accept or modify choice/form of main entry present on record
depending on the situation.
- if the record has a 1xx as the main entry and the author
in 1xx is also the first author named on the title page of
the book in hand, use the same 1xx
- if the edition in hand has a different first author from the
record found, change 1xx to whichever author is named
first on the title page of the book in hand, adjust 7xx if
- if the record has 245 main entry, use 245 as main entry
for the book in hand.
- If first author named on t.p. is same as 7xx on the record,
accept 7xx on record.
- If first named author on t.p. is different from
7xx on record, change 7xx to match first author on t.p.
- Edit or add (if necessary) 1xx, 245, 250, 260, 300, 4xx/8xx, 7xx
as required by book in hand.
- Accept description/punctuation as is -- do not upgrade it.
- Review notes area, paying special attention to reproduction
and contents notes; delete notes not applicable to book in
- If there had been a 505 or 520, adjust if appropriate to apply to
the book in hand, otherwise delete. If a 900 TOC marker was in the record,
delete both the marker and all 505 and 520 fields
even if they apply to book in hand.
- Delete all 590 or local 500 $5NNC.
- Code copy specific notes into MFHD 852 field or 500 $5NNC
if for Rare Books or Avery/Fine Arts Rare Books.
Go to Copy Specific Notes
- Accept LCSH and MESH 6xx field, but review indicators and subfields ;
If no LC subject headings are present search OCLC or consult a supervisor.
- If any field needs to be added, consult Copy Review
Guidelines, CPM-200
- Delete any 9xx fields.
- If access points are added to the variant edition record,
verify them against CLIO ESTABLISHED HEADING or in the NAF in
OCLC; if a heading is not found in any authority file, consult
- Verify series following local series verification procedures.
- Materials using LC classification
- If record being modified has an LC call number, use the same
call number for book in hand EXCEPT add the date of
publication as the last element
Consult Formatting Call Numbers if
- If the record lacks an 050, assign it or route to a call number
- Add or adjust the 050 field in the BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD
- Leave the 1st indicator blank and input a second
indicator 4
- Include appropriate date but not work letter
- Use the F5 macro to copy call number into the 852 field of the MFHD ; add
work letter if appropriate.
Go to Call Number Copying
- Materials not using LC classification--Follow appropriate procedures
for assigning the call number and code it in the copy holdings record.
- STATISTICS-- Count as Original cataloging (CTRL + 3 macro) or pcc (CTRL + 2 macro) as appropriate.
Go to Processing Production Statistics
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Last updated: 09/17/14 ink