Cataloging Practices Manual [CPM-510]


Holdings Procedures


    Library of Congress classification call numbers should be copied from the 050 or 090 fields from a Bibliographic Record directly into the 852 field of the appropriate MFHD record. For the transfer to be successful, the Cataloging Options -- Preferences should have "Library of Congress" selected in the "Call Number Hierarchies" box on the "General" tab.


    1. Display the Bib. Record and make any necessary changes.

    2. If call no. in 050 or 090 is usable, proceed to the appropriate holdings record:

      1. If creating an new MFHD, type the location after the $b and then run the F5 macro or use the Ctrl + N command.

      2. If the MFHD migrated from NOTIS CLIO, edit the fixed fields as necessary in the Leader and 008 ; Remove any 014 fields (there will either be one or two) ; Tab the cursor (or use mouse) into the 852 field and then run the F5 macro or use the Ctrl + N command.

      3. If the MFHD originated as an order in Voyager CLIO, tab the cursor (or use mouse) into the 852 field and then run the F5 macro or use the Ctrl + N command.

      4. If cataloging a multivolume set, change second indicator in 852 to 1 When Voyager copies an LC call number into the MFHD, it automatically supplies indicators "0 0".

      5. Add work letter, e.g., g, if appropriate.

      6. Delete tracking notations in the $x (i.e. $x MPS2 or $x Precat)

      7. If processing more than one copy, complete the Item record for the first copy, close all windows except for the Bibiographic record and then repeat the above steps for each copy.

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    Last updated: 08/04/03 kmh