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5.4.3  Derivatives / URLs

The full and more correct name for this Setting is Derivative Creation and URL Generation.  There is a lot that will happen here; progress through the description of this Setting will feel long and dreary.   But great good will come at the successful completion of it.


You can get here in two ways:  from the top task bar, you can pull down the menu under Settings, and choose Derivatives / URLs; alternatively, if you have the Edit Image form open, you can click on its button, URL Generation Settings, and you'll be brought here.





The choices executed on this form set the groundwork for building image URLs one by one, as each image is chosen and its bibliographic and (possibly) technical metadata are entered into the Add Image [or Edit Image] form that springs off from the Synopsis View.  These choices become active when you click on the button Generate URLs on the Edit Image form.  Presumably the effort to arrange these Settings was done before you actually began entering data.  If not, then now; here's your chance, you lucky devil, you.  Develop URL Pattern  Create / Delete Derivatives  Generate Derivative URLs

Note that there is no obligation to create derivatives and generate URLs one by one as each image record comes into being; if preferred, the two related tasks can be handled as a batch effort at the end of your cataloguing, or rather, just before you perform an XML export to DS Central.

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Last published: 2009-01-10
© Columbia University Libraries