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Search the User Guide:  Generate Derivative URLs

But you're only half way there:  the spaces exist, but they contain no data.  So now you want to Generate Derivative URLs (the second button on the form).  Click on it, and this is what comes to the surface:



DS-Access is warning you:  "This operation cannot be undone."  This is serious.  Make sure you've got it right.  The URLs will be built and inserted into each image record according the URL pattern that you established on the form for Derivative Creation and URL Generation.

Be it said, that if you really made a mess of it, an irrevocable terrible terrible mess, you could go back to the Derivative Creation and URL Generation form, re-establish the pattern, this time correctly, and Generate the Derivative URLs all over again.  What would be difficult would be re-creating the pattern that was there originally if you didn't remember what it was.  The solution?  Back-ups!!  Many back-ups; frequent back-ups; regular back-ups.  A Best Practice of the best sort.

There may be no need for you to Create Derivatives and Generate URLs in the batch mode that is explained here, because maybe, once you had established the URL pattern on the form, you generated the derivative URLs for each image as you went along.

And then you ran the two Reports (List Images without Derivatives; List Derivatives without URLS) to make sure that all of your images were ready to go.  That's great.  But at least this way you know that if you need to handle all the image derivatives and URLs in a batch, you can do so.

The association between image record and its URL has thus been built indissolubly in each and every image record; the fragile connection between text and picture that appear on the web acquires strength.



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Last published: 2009-01-10
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