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5.3.6  Export

This is the third option on the drop-down menu of Reports and Data:  Export.




The Export box offers two main choices:  Standard Export for Digital Scriptorium Website, and the more complex Custom Export of [Full; Institutions; Repositories; Manuscripts; Parts; Texts; Images; Derivatives; Dates List; Scripts List; Subjects List] to [XML; Access Database; Excel Spreadsheet].


From the viewpoint of DS Central, the Standard Export for Digital Scriptorium Website is crucial.  It exports the schema (i.e. front end, i.e. dsdbms) and the data (i.e. back end, i.e. dsdata) from your institution's copy of DS-Access, converting the material to XML-tagged information.  The program will notify you that the two pieces have been exported, and it will put them in your computer's folder for My Documents with the date-stamp as part of the file name.




Of these two pieces, DS Central is now only concerned with one:  the one that contains your institution's data, the one with the file name of this sort (and be sure to note the file extension at the end ".xml" because that's the distinguishing feature between the two files):


DS-Access_Export.[your institution's code + your institution's repository/repositories code(s)].[year-month-day of the export].xml


This is what you and all other DS partners will forward to DS Central so that we can refresh the shared DS website with the new/revised material.  Please read Appendix D: Submitting DS-Access Data to the Digital Scriptorium Website. It contains the online submission form for your XML data; that's the way we'd like you to send it to DS Central.

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Last published: 2009-01-10
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