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3.5.1 Manuscript Metadata

Click on Add Image to open the form on which you'll enter the information regarding a text's image.  This a tabbed form —do you see the two tabs? on the upper left of the pale text area?— and the first tab you'll land on contains the Manuscript Metadata for the image:  basically, it asks which part of the manuscript will be photographed, and it allows you to insert a caption if one is desired.  Enter data for the first image.  Click on Save & Close.  Or click on Cancel, to cancel the present operation.  Repeat Add Image as often as there will be images.



At a later date, more images can be added and/or others deleted at will.  There is, however, no explicit "Edit Image" button; instead, you click on the small black arrow to the left of the image description to be edited.



When you go back into an image description to change or edit the description, the form will look quite different, due to the large orange space at the top (when you first added this new image, the orange space was not there):



Faced with a vacuum, Mother Nature and you will want to fill it.  Click on Create Derivatives and then on Generate URLs, and the specific URL pattern you've pre-established will come into being.  "I did?  I established a URL pattern?  I don't remember doing that!"  But maybe you aren't crazy; if DS Central is hosting your images, your copy of DS-Access came to you with the URL pattern already populated.  Please go look at the section in Settings on URL Generation, ok? And then open the Settings Menu, and look at the form under Derivatives / URLs; you'll know for sure.



If you are connected to the internet (and of course if the particular image has been placed on the server), the small black arrows to the left of the URLs lead you the online images in question, while still keeping you inside DS-Access; it's intended for quick verification of some question you may have about the image.






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Last published: 2009-01-11
© Columbia University Libraries