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Search the User Guide:  Develop URL Pattern

From the drop-down box, choose the derivative size (we need to separate the sizes since some institutions follow different patterns for the different sizes).



Develop the pattern for the URLs that will point to your institution's images; if DS Central is hosting the images, all four derivative sizes will be prepopulated in your copy of DS-Access, and they will look like this:



By way of example, the preceding pattern results in URLs that look like this:


The path segment types, in alphabetical order, are:

  • Derivative Dimensions
  • Global Segment
  • Image Segment
  • Institution Code
  • Manuscript Segment
  • Repository Code

They may be arranged in any order and repeated ad libitum. The one that is absolutely required is the Image Segment: it contains the unique identifier for that particular image. The information represented by three of the segments (Derivative Dimensions, Institution Code, Repository Code) has already been inserted into the appropriate Settings, so incorporation of their data is set by invoking the category. The only piece that might leave you wondering is Manuscript Segment. Its information is pulled from the field named Code, which is at the Manuscript Level. Some institutions, we discovered, might unite (for example) all their manuscript bibles into a single group, and all their books of hours into another, and all their fragments into a third; then they might use that group name as part of the image URL. If your institution operates this way, this is the segment for you. Read about Code in the Data Dictionary; there's also a report on the Codes used in your copy of DS-Access.


The pattern and the values are determined by the institution that hosts the images on a server (either DS Central or the local institution), with possibly shared discretion between the two; for example, the Image Segment might consist of the:

  • Digital Object ID (autogenerated by DS-Access, or hand-entered)
  • Capture ID (formally derived from the local imaging software, or hand-entered).


The punctuation between two segments may be a:

  • ampersand
  • equal sign
  • hyphen
  • period
  • question mark
  • semicolon
  • slash
  • [no punctuation]

and it may be arranged in whichever order suits the hosting institution.

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Last published: 2010-01-08
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