Cataloging Practices Manual [CPM-685]


Special Materials & Procedures


This document covers video recording processing guidelines for CUL collections and projects. Video recordings include videocassettes (VHS) and videodiscs (DVDs).

In March 2009, the location bmc was created for circulating videos.



    1. Source of information

      The information about the title of video recording should be taken in the following order of preference from:

      • Surface of the disc or videocassette label
      • Container

      Note: In some cases, the opening frames of the film must be viewed in order to determine the correct title of the videorecording.

    2. Searching CLIO for copy

      Most video recordings are received on firm orders; therefore, there almost always should be a brief record or OCLC copy in CLIO for the video in hand.

      1. Search CLIO for title adding the word videorecording
      2. If no bib record is found in CLIO consult supervisor.
      3. If bib record is found, verify that the holding ID number and holding location correspond to the holding ID and location information on T2 rider (consult supervisor if any discrepancies are found)
      4. Examine bibliographic record in CLIO using guidelines from Matching Copy for Videorecordings document to determine if the record matches the video in hand.

        1. If it matches and there are no other previously cataloged copies, check to see if it is a Standard copy. If it is determined to be standard copy, follow the copy editing guidelines for video recordings to make any necessary edits to the record.
        2. If it matches and there are previously cataloged copies, process as an added copy. Refer to the Part II of this document for holding info.
        3. If it doesn't match and there are previously cataloged copies a new record will have to be created in CLIO to match the video in hand. Suppress the MFHD following the steps in CPM-553 and search OCLC for standard copy. If the standard matching copy is found, export it to CLIO and catalog following the procedures for Copy editing, holdings, and item records. Please note that a payment reference note has to be created in MFHD. Refer to the CPM-556 for payment reference procedures.
        4. If it doesn't match and there are no previously cataloged copies, proceed to section C.

      5. If more than one bib record is found and more than one matches the video recording in hand, consult supervisor.

    3. Searching OCLC for copy

      1. Log onto OCLC and search by ISBN, title, production company, distributor, publisher number, or combination of these.
      2. If matching copy is found check to see if it is standard copy. Refer to CPM-011 for the definition of standard copy.
      3. If the copy is standard export the record to CLIO and merge it with the preliminary record (with the CLIO record open, retrieve the imported record from the Voyager Import File and via the Window menu, tile the two records. Copy and paste the OCLC record number (035) into the CLIO record. Refer to steps for saving OCLC record to database in CPM-107 .
      4. If there is no matching copy found, search for the copy that can be used for variant edition.
      5. If no copy available for variant edition or record is non-standard, route the video to the original cataloger.


    1. Leader and 008

      1. Leader: Do not change the values in Leader if processing a single-volume disc or videocassette. Refer to CPM-503 when processing multi-volumes or multi-discs sets.
      2. 008: set appropriate Lending Policy and Reproduction Policy depending on whether the location is circulating or non-circulating location. Refer to CPM501

    2. 852 field

      Call numbers are assigned based on the location in the $b.

      1. Butler-Media Center (bmc/bmc,res)

        The T2 rider will indicate whether the item is for bmc (circulating) or bmc,res (non circulating research collection)

        DVDs and videocassettes for all Butler Media locations are assigned accession numbers. Call numbers for DVDs begin with the prefix DVD followed by sequential numbers. Call numbers for videocassettes begin with the prefix VIDEORES followed by sequential numbers.

        Assign the number by searching CLIO by "find" and with "Call Number Other Classification." Search for DVD or VIDEORES to see the last number used and assign the next sequential number for the item in hand.

        The entire number is placed in $h. Note that the 852 first indicator is 8, not 0.

                            Example: 852:80: $b bmc  $h DVD6345
                                     852:80: $b bmc  $h VIDEORES03542
        Added copies are assigned the next available call number the same way as new titles.

      2. Music Library (mvr)

        Video discs and video cassettes are assigned accession number in place of a true call number. The accession number begins with the prefix MUSDVD for videodiscs followed by three digit number. For videocassettes the number starts with prefix VC followed by three digit number. Follow the procedures described for bmc/bmc,res above in searching for the next available call number, call number formation, and indicators in 852 field

                        Example: 852:80: $b mvr $h MUSDVD117
                                 852:80: $b mvr $h VC255
        Added copies are assigned the same number as the earlier copies

      3. All other locations

        Call numbers are assigned based on the content of the item using LC classification. The format of the video recording put in $k ($k DVD or $k VIDEO).

                         Example: 852:00: $b sci $k DVD $h TK2551 $i .T73 1997g
                                          $b leh $k VIDEO $h PR2034 $i .S4 1995g
        Added copies are assigned the same number as the earlier copies.

      4. Multi-volumes

        1. Videocassettes (all locations)

          Videocassettes that are part of a multi-volume set are catalogued as multi-volumes. Refer to CPM-503 "Recording Volume Holdings for Non-Serial Titles."

                             Example: 852:00: $b sci $k DVD $h TK2551 $i .T73 1997g
                                              $b leh $k VIDEO $h PR2034 $i .S4 1995g
          Added copies are assigned the same number as the earlier copies.

        2. Videodiscs (Butler Media Center)

          Videodiscs issued together in one standard container are kept together. If issued in non-standard container, remove and place in one. Record holding information as in an example above using term "disc" and appropriate DVD classification scheme call number.

          Use ONE barcode placed below and to the left of the last disc, put disc numbers in the Enum area and total disc number in Piece count area.

          Videodiscs issued separately are kept in the containers if they are standard DVD containers. If issued in non-standard DVD container, remove and put in one. Create 866 field on a holding record. Each piece will have a barcode and an item record.

        3. Videodiscs (other locations)

          Videodiscs issued together in a standard or non-standard container are kept in this container. Create 866 field in the holding record, use ONE barcode and tape it on the backing to the front of the container. Put disc numbers in the Enum area and total disc number in the Piece count area of the record.

          Videodiscs issued separately in either standard or non-standard containers are kept in those containers. Create 866 field in the holding record. Each piece will have its own barcode taped to the front of the container and an item record.

      5. Multi-videocassette and disc sets.

        In some instances the decision is made to catalog videorecordings (cassettes and discs) issued as a set on a separate record for each title. Proceed using the guidelines below:

        1. Search CLIO for any matching title.
        2. If not in CLIO, search OCLC for the records of individual titles and import them to Voyager.
        3. Overlay CLIO record (one created by acquisition staff) with one of the records found in OCLC.
        4. Export all other records to Voyager and create new holdings.
        5. Add a 900 field with the purchase order info to the new holdings (refer to CPM-556).
        6. Each cassette/disc will have its own holding and barcode.
        7. Remember to replace non-standard DVD containers for bmc/bmc,res location. Although we normally would not change containers for all other locations, if the disc set is issued in a non-standard container and the decision is made to catalogue each title separately, we will change the containers to the standard ones.

      6. Multiple titles on a single video disc/video cassette

        1. Follow CPM-625 and catalogue material using "Boundwiths" procedure. There will be ONE holding and ONE item record for both title.
        2. Alternately, if there is OCLC record for both titles on one record, use this record and don.t use .Boundwiths. procedure.


    1. Containers

      Change the non-standard case (jewel case, container with card board etc.) for DVDs processed for bmc/bmc,res location only. Keep the original container for video recordings processed for all other locations including the videocassettes processed for bmc/bmc,res.

    2. Barcode placement

      1. For videocassettes, attach barcode on backing to the front of the cassette.
      2. For videodiscs processed for bmc, bmc,res, attach barcode inside of the case to the lower left of the disc.
      3. For videodiscs processed for Music Library (mvr), attach the barcode to the insert (if there is one). If there is no insert, attach barcode on its backing to outside front container.
      4. For videodiscs processed for all other locations attach barcode on its paper backing to outside front container.

    3. Item records

      1. Use item type "resvideo" for video recordings processed for Butler Media Reserves (bmc/bmc,res) and Social Works Library (swx,res).
      2. For all other locations use item type "video"

    4. Labels

      For those DVDs in bmc add a green circulation sticker to the upper left side of the front of the container.

    5. Charging and routing

      1. Charge videocassettes cataloged for bmc/bmc,res location to "labeling" and videodiscs to "intransit"
      2. Charge materials cataloged for all other locations to "in transit"
      3. DVDs for bmc/bmc,res are delivered to Butler Media Reserves processing shelves.
      4. Videocassettes for bmc/bmc,res are accumulated in the drawer and delivered to BSP on Thursday.
      5. Videocassettes and DVDs for all other locations are sent to departmental libraries using interoffice envelopes.

    6. Statistics

      1. Refer to CPM-901 for appropriate macro.
      2. Only count multivolumes in "Change in size of collection" forms.


    1. Record offsite location in the $b of 852 field: leh4off, bio4off etc.
    2. Use "CV" barcode and item type "resvideo" for Social Work/Offsite.
    3. Use "CU" barcode and item type "video" for all other locations. Refer to CPM-808 for the correct placement of barcodes.
    4. Do NOT check out material.
    5. Place DVDs in a shelf designated by Misha Harnick in PreCat area for further Offsite processing.



    In late 2006 Columbia acquired the entire DVD collection (approximately 22,000 discs) of the video store The Movie Place, which was closing. The entire collection was taken from the store and sent to ReCAP in cartons. The DVDs are in cartons of 250 discs alphabetically by title in one A-Z sequence, and the original containers are held in separate cartons alphabetically by title within genre, in separate A-Z sequences for Comedy, Drama, etc. Both sets of cartons have holdings records attached to a suppressed record in CLIO for the title Movie Place Inventory.

    In 2008 Columbia acquired the contents of Kim's video store consisting of approximately 18,000 DVDs (including 500 box sets) and 10,000 videorecordings and created a circulating collection in 2009.

    Requesting New Cartons of DVDs from RECAP: Review and Process

    1. Boxes of Movie Place and Kim's DVDs are requested by Reserves Staff via Misha Harnick. Movie Place boxes are sent to OSMC and reviewed by Nancy to remove duplicates, inappropriate genre, or any other DVDs not added to the collection.

    2. Kim's DVDs are sent to Butler Media in boxes where the individual lock boxes are removed and the DVDs dusted. The boxes are then sent to OSMC. Kim.s DVDs are first searched so that duplicate titles can be added to existing Clio records. Remaining titles are reviewed by Nancy for location assignment (bmc,res or bmc).

    3. Discarded titles from both Movie Place and Kim's are sent to Book in Hand (BIH).

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    Last updated: 08/12/09 kmh