Cataloging Practices Manual [CPM-553]


Holdings Procedures

  1. The instructions below apply to all firm order records which cannot be relinked and have to be suppressed due to order or cataloging error and for suppression of cataloged copies for withdrawal or other reasons. For instructions on relinking procedures see CPM550 (link & doc needed)

  2. Suppress the MFHD record by clicking on the System tab and checking the "Suppress from OPAC" box. If this is the only MFHD record suppress the title by checking the "Suppressed from OPAC" box on the System tab of the bibliographic record.

  3. MFHD leader and 008--Do not adjust.

  4. Delete the 014 field with the $9 and the Voyager linking number. See also CPM502

  5. Do not delete any 900 fields.

  6. 852 field indicators--Do not adjust.

    Note: if the first indicator is set to 0 for LC classification and a subfield h with a period is added when following the instructions in section VIII below, the system will respond with the following message: "The call number in this holding record could not be indexed using the Call Number Type specified. The record has been indexed using the rules for the "Other" call number type." Click OK. It is not necessary to change the indicators in this situation.

  7. Location--Do not adjust.

  8. If the MFHD being suppressed for an on order or in-process item, input SUPPRESSED (upper case) in subfield k following 852 field. If record being suppressed already has a subfield h leave it as is. Otherwise, add a subfield h followed by a period "." before adding subfield k. The presence of the subfield h followed by a period in the record will allow the term SUPPRESSED to appear in the summary holdings and hierarchy. Note: In pre-unicode versions of Voyager, the presence of the $h alone would display the suppressed note. In Voyager Unicode there must exist some text value for the suppressed information to display in the hierarchy and summary holdings. A single period should be used if there is no other text (e.g. call number) in the subfield h.


    $h . $k SUPPRESSED

  9. If the MFHD being suppressed is for a cataloged item, input SUPPRESSED (upper case) in subfield k following the call number.

    $b ave $h AA 1006 B7 $i St35 $k SUPPRESSED

    $b mrr $k MICROFLM $h F $i b4713 $k SUPPRESSED

  10. Tracking notes and payment references.

    1. If the item in hand is to be cataloged on another bibliographic record, create a 900 field and input the Voyager HLDG ID number where it was processed.


      852 8 0 $b glx $h . $k SUPPRESSED
      900 # # $a See H4701130

      If the item in hand is an electronic resource that does not have a payment record, record the reason for suppression.

      Example lweb $h EBOOKS $k SUPPRESSED
      900 # # $a Outdated per selector

    2. If the suppressed record was a firm order with linked acquisitions data, place a payment reference of the purchase order number into a 900 field of the new MFHD preceded by a dollar sign. (This is necessary for financial audits.)


      852 0 0 $b glx $h PG1418.A6 $i N3 2003
      900 # # $a $MAS41203

      Note: To retrieve purchase order information, use the Ctrl + M command while the Voyager acquisitions module is running. If the command retrieves acquisitions data, click on the "Order" tab to locate the purchase order number.

  11. Volumes

    If the record to be suppressed was for some volume(s) of a multivolume set to be added to existing cataloged holdings, create a payment reference including the volume number(s) received on the purchase order in the payment reference of the existing set.


    852 0 1 $b leh $h DS195 $i .M47 1989g
    866 4 1 $80 $a v.1-7,v.9-12
    900 # # $a $MAS42212 v.10-12

    Example of an MFHD record that was suppressed in NOTIS

    Example of an MFHD record that was suppressed in Voyager:

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Last updated: 08/12/05 mdw