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3.2  Manuscript Level

Open the application by clicking on the desktop shortcut to DS-Access; it also works to click on the actual program file name (dsdbms.mde), wherever it may be located on your computer.  Once you've clicked the program open, you'll see the familiar Welcome Screen, in which the dear little boy reaches out through his letter D towards a blue grotesque.  Click on Synopsis for entry into the main form.



Click on the button New MS to open the form in which you'll do precisely that:  begin the inputting of a new description of a manuscript. Fill in the fields appropriately.   Appropriateness is easily determined by looking at the Data Dictionary, because it's arranged in the same order as the fields in each level.  You might remember that the florescent pink-labeled fields are required, but not to worry:  if you don't remember, DS-Access will.


Incidentally, you notice that there are seven pink labels on this form to signal required fields; yet you're puzzled at the three red arrows in the image.  Why doesn't this Guide position arrows at the other four pink-labeled fields?  Because the first three are for City, Institution and Repository, and they're taken care of via the default values which you've already set.  The final pink-labeled field without an arrow is Date; don't worry your pretty little head about that; the database kindly supplies the current date all by its lonesome.


A hint:  Ensure the correct inputting of call numbers and of foliation!  Simplify the inputting of common text (e.g. the name and dates of your main donor; your own name as inputter)!  Use the AutoCorrect Options in the Settings menu:


And here you will accomplish these tasks:

  • uncheck "Correct TWo INitial CApitals" so that you can correctly input call numbers such as BP.096 (which otherwise Microsoft will insist upon translating to Bp.096)
  • uncheck "Capitalize first letter of sentences so that you can correctly use small roman numerals after locus designations such as "pp." or "ff."  (e.g., ff. i + 500 + ii)
  • build useful codes (e.g. "gp" as given above)


If you have doubts about information entered (or not entered at all), check the Revisit box at the top of the form; both the Browse View and the Report of record segments marked "Revisit" will allow you to pull up the worrisome records and fix them.  If your doubts are extreme, you could Suppress the entire record by checking the Suppress box at the top of the form.

When you're ready, click on the Save & Close button of this Manuscript form.  If, instead, for any reason you decide not to keep the information that's now in this Add Manuscript form, you can simply Cancel it by pressing the eponymous button on the title bar.  (You figured that out already.)  Later, if you want to change any of the information in this form, or if you want to add to it, you have full power to do so:  the Edit MS form exists for that purpose.


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Last published: 2009-01-11
© Columbia University Libraries