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5.3.3  Revisit; Suppress




You already know, don't you?, what the first two reports are about.  The first pertains to the fact that there are boxes checked off as Revist=Yes in any one of the four levels where you know that more work is required.  You know that you will also see the mark for Revisit=Yes at the Manuscript level when you scroll through the Browse View, or at any lower level in the hierarchy, once you highlight a certain Manuscript, or its Parts, or its Texts (and you know that the mark shows up as a "greater than" sign, a.k.a. as the closing angle bracket, and that it occupies a space in the left margin next to the manuscript's shelfmark).


You know, too, that the Suppress=Yes box will show its beet red demand for attention at the top of the Synopsis View, if you flip through the descriptions.  You remember that Revisit=Yes won't keep a description off the web, but Suppress=Yes does have that immense power.  Both check boxes exist in recognition of the fact that knowledge does not drop into our hands fully and evenly at one moment; we move ahead in fits and starts, and these boxes, with their attendant reports, help you to stay on top of things by re-finding the points where work had shuddered to a temporary standstill.


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Last published: 2009-01-10
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