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5.2.2  Browse View




You can open the entire content of the database in Browse View by selecting the menu, Manuscript Views, and then scrolling down to the Browse choice.  Another method for entering Browse View –one that will proceed directly to a chosen manuscript– is to bring that manuscript up to the surface in the Synopsis View, and then click on the small black arrow on the far left side of the Manuscript level title bar.  The reverse is also true:  instead of using the Find command (CTRL + F) in the Shelfmark field of the Synopsis View to get to a certain description, you can scroll through the alphabetical list of shelfmarks on the Browse View and thence click into Synopsis View.


The Browse View displays its content in four colored panels, each corresponding to the same colors that the Synopsis View employs for the various levels.  The difference is that the Browse View:

  • displays at one go all the records at the Manuscript level; you can scroll down if you have too many records to fit on the single Browse screen.
  • exhibits the minimal necessary information for you to verify that a given record is indeed the one you want.
  • encourages you to single-click on any given Manuscript, which then produces the list of descendant Parts; a click on a desired Part produces the Texts; a click on the one Text engenders a look at its Image children; in each case you see not the full corpus of information at that level, but just enough to solidify your choice.
  • reminds you, via the "greater than" symbol (a.k.a. the closing angle bracket) of the presence of a checked Revisit box at any one level for any one record.
  • will send you back to the Synopsis View of a given manuscript when you double-click on the manuscript's shelfmark, or when you highlight the shelfmark and click on the command button Open on the form's title bar.
  • will even send you back to the Synopsis View of any manuscript's Part or Text or Image if you highlight that particular line in the Browse View and double-click on it (this is the only mechanism for direct transfer to a Part or a Text; the Open button on the title bar only activates arrival at the one certain manuscript, not at a given point within the manuscript).

But the main function of the Browse View is to Reassign children to other parents.



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Last published: 2009-01-02
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