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Search the User Guide:  Suppress

Remember that the draconian level of Revisit is Suppress:  when you check the Suppress box at Manuscript level, DS Central ceases to recognize the existence of this manuscript; it is effaced from the viewing of all mankind. It has been condemned to a formal damnatio memoriae




We address this last because it's the last action you might take in a start-to-finish, soup-to-nuts inputting of a complete description.  The action takes place at the Manuscript level where there is a check box for Suppress; it's set by default to "No."  When you check it as "Yes, please do suppress this description," you are informing DS Central that you do not want that particular description uploaded to the web at that moment.  It may be woefully incomplete, you may be waiting for the world's expert to respond to your question about it, whatever.  When you check the Suppress box, its label in the Synopsis View turns a violent angry red, to remind you to come back at some point to fix or finish the description.  Unless you uncheck the box, that description will never join its colleagues on the web.


You can generate a list of all the Suppressed manuscripts using the appropriate Report.


This will be a good moment to add a bit of sadly learned advice:  don't ever ever ever type facetious information into the database, no matter how great the temptation.  "Arcane medieval lore"; "huh?"; "sure wish I hadn't had so much to drink last night."  Once entered, even if you've checked the Revisit box and maybe even the Suppress box, information has a sneaky way of staying put.  Word to the wise.  Best Practice.  You get the point.


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Last published: 2009-01-06
© Columbia University Libraries