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The following list represents the complete list of all e-seminars. Using the search boxes to the left, narrow your results by using keywords, subject, or professor name.
|  | The Politics of Health Care—E-Seminar 2, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Legacy of the New Deal
|  | Michael S. Sparer |
Most Americans get their health-care insurance through their employers. But what happens to those Americans who fall outside this system? What happens to the unemployed, the elderly, and the disabled, and to employees who do not receive health insurance from their employers? Who pays for their health care? Enter.
|  | The Politics of Health Care—E-Seminar 3, The Uninsured
|  | Michael S. Sparer |
Today, over 40 million Americans lack health insurance—increasing their risk of receiving poor-quality health care and of becoming ill. The uninsured in America are less likely to receive necessary diagnostic tests and more likely to forego recommended therapies. For example, uninsured children are less likely to be treated for ear infections than children who have health insurance. Similarly, uninsured women are less likely to undergo regular mammograms to screen for breast cancer, while uninsured men are more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer at a later stage of the disease. Enter.
|  | The Politics of Health Care—E-Seminar 4, Managing the Managed-Care Revolution
|  | Michael S. Sparer |
In the fourth e-seminar in his series The Politics of Health Care, Michael S. Sparer, associate professor of public health at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health, discusses the rise of health-maintenance organizations (HMOs) and other forms of managed care. Enter.
|  | The Politics of Health Care—E-Seminar 5, Managed Care in the Public Sector
|  | Michael S. Sparer |
In the fifth e-seminar in his six-part series The Politics of Health Care, Michael S. Sparer, associate professor of public health at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health, explores the divergent paths of managed care in the public sector, comparing its respective impact on Medicaid and Medicare to date and discussing its future. Enter.
|  | The Politics of Health Care—E-Seminar 6, Long-Term Care
|  | Michael S. Sparer |
In the final e-seminar in his six-part series, The Politics of Health Care, Michael S. Sparer, associate professor of public health at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health, investigates the crisis in long-term care in America. Enter.
|  | Israeli and Palestinian Nationalism—E-Seminar 1, Debates over Partition
|  | Naomi Weinberger |
This e-seminar series looks at the history of Israeli and Palestinian nationalism and the resulting conflicts that have arisen in the region. In this first e-seminar of the series, Professor Weinberger discusses the legacy of the Palestinian mandate, the evolution of Zionist ideology and Palestinian nationalism, and contemporary debates among Palestinian factions and Israeli political parties. She examines the major interstate wars (1948, 1956, 1967, and 1973) and peacemaking efforts. Enter.
|  | Israeli and Palestinian Nationalism—E-Seminar 2, Competing National Movements
|  | Naomi Weinberger |
In the second e-seminar of this series, Professor Weinberger examines Palestinian nationalism and the history of early Zionist thinking, outlining the debate over whether Palestinian nationalism developed as an independent philosophy or merely a reaction to Zionism. Professor Weinberger highlights critical differences as well as striking parallels between the two national movements. Enter.
|  | Israeli and Palestinian Nationalism—E-Seminar 3, Wars: Strategies and Outcomes
|  | Naomi Weinberger |
In this e-seminar, the third in a series of eight, Professor Naomi Weinberger looks at the Arab-Israeli interstate wars of 1967, 1969-70, and 1973. After examining why 1967 in particular was a watershed in the relationship between Israel and the Palestinians as well as a major turning point for Israel's national image, Professor Weinberger looks at the forgotten war, the War of Attrition of 1969-70, and shows how it helped Egypt prepare for the 1973 war. Enter.
|  | Israeli and Palestinian Nationalism—E-Seminar 4, The Israeli Foreign Policy Debate
|  | Naomi Weinberger |
In this e-seminar, the fourth in the series Israeli and Palestinian Nationalism, Professor Naomi Weinberger examines the evolution of the complex Israeli system of political parties and elections, and the creation of new voter constituencies from Israel's more recent immigrants. Enter.