Cataloging Practices Manual [CPM-183]


Record Creation Procedures


    For definition of a variant edition copy see CPM-205 and CPM-206

    If a variant edition of a work is the only copy available, it may be used by acquisitions staff as the basis for preliminary record, if the variant edition requires only minor modifications. If major modifications are required, it is more efficient to create a preliminary record.


    If the variant edition to be used is a CLIO record - follow the procedures described in CPM-205 BEFORE making the adjustments listed below.

    If you exported a variant edition copy from another database for this purpose, simply adjust the record as listed below:

    1. Change value in Encoding Level to 5.

    2. Adjust Place, Language, Date(s), 020, 245, 250, 260 and 300 fields to match the book in hand.

    3. Accept or modify choice/form of main entry present on record depending on the situation:

      1. If one edition has a 1XX as the main entry and the author in 1XX is also the first author named on the title page of the book in hand, use the same 1XX

      2. If the edition in hand has a different first author from the record found, change 1XX to whichever author is named first on the title page of the book in hand

      3. If one edition has 245 main entry, use 245 as main entry for the book in hand.

      4. If first author named on t. p. is the same as 7XX on the record, accept 7XX on the record. If first named author in t. p. is different from 7XX on record, change 7XX to match first author on t. p.

    4. If modifying a LC record, also delete 010, 050, and 040 info.

    5. Delete ALL 035, 5XX, 6XX, and 7XX fields from the record. (Except leave in 7XX if it matches first author named on t. p. and record is entered under 245.)

    6. Delete 245 $c and 300 $b and $c

    7. Modify, add, or delete series information as needed. See CPM-327, CPM-305, and CPM-308.

    8. If using a NON-BOOK record for books:

      1. Delete the 006 and 007 fields. Click on the field and then on the Delete button.

      2. In the Leader of bibliographic record change the Type of record field to an a: Language material. Click on "yes" when prompted to change the values in 008.

      3. Delete $h and non-book descriptor from 245 if present (e.g. delete $h microfiche, etc.)

      4. Delete any 5XX fields that describe the non-book format.

    9. If using a BOOKS format record for another format, change the code in Form of item:

      1. Microfilm = a
      2. Microfiche = b
      3. Microopaque = c
      4. Photocopy = r and add a 533 field that reads "photocopy"

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    Last updated: 12/08/03 ink