Cataloging Practices Manual [CPM-327]


Authority Procedures


    Use this document only for basic instructions on inputting series information on preliminary and tracking records. It may be necessary to consult additonal CPM, NACO or LC documentation when fully cataloging an item or if a serial record is found in CLIO or OCLC/RLIN.

  2. Searching series in CLIO is a two-step process. In order to search series, use a Title Statement< search, which searches only the 245 field. Type the series statement in the "Search for" box, and click on the Do Search button. If an exact match is found, disregard any monographic title(s) and examine the holdings to determine treatment. Use the following criteria to determine whether the item in hand can be added to the serial record:

    If all conditions above are met, route item to SAS to be added. In case of doubt, consult a supervisor.

    Go to Serial Record Example

    If the series is separately classed (e.g. |x sep in the 852 field) proceed to point III below to find the authorized form of the series.

    Go to Series Decision Record Example

  3. If item in hand can not be added to the serial or the search results in no hits, research the series using Title Headings Search (Staff), select "series title" from the Heading Types Filter, and determine form of series heading to use:

    1. If "Authorized" appears in the left column, the series statement in the dialog box is the authorized form. Click on the Authority button and select the authority record from the dialog box (even if there is only one line). Examine the authority record, if the series is traced code as 490/830 pair even if the series form is identical in both fields, if the series is not traced code as 490 0. Input volume numbering from piece in hand in subfield v.

      Go to Series Authority Record Example

    2. If "Reference" appears in the left column, the series appears in the dialog box as reference, not authorized form. Click on Authority and a new "Reference information" dialog box will open, showing the authorized form. Click on Retrieve to get the "Select one or more authority records" dialog box, and then click on OK to display the authority record, and copy and paste the 130 form as above.

    3. If there is no entry on the far left column, i.e. there is no authority record, copy form of series from existing bibliographic record(s) in the order specified below. Copy form from 830 or 4XX field into a 490 0 field, and if necessary input volume numbering from the piece in hand into subfield v.

      If multiple records are found, prefer the form found in the following order:

      • CLIO standard bibliographic record (See CPM-010)
      • CLIO preliminary bibliographic record (See CPM-168)
      • CLIO tracking bibliographic record (See CPM-162)

    4. If no exact match for the series is found in CLIO, copy series from book in hand into a 490 0 field, recording the volume number in subfield v.

  4. If series is new to CLIO, i.e. there is no authority or bibliographic record in CLIO:

  5. If item has more than one series, follow steps above for each series.

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Last updated: 06/12/09 ink