Materials Excluded From New Offsite Processing

Note: For materials being processed for AVE and FAX follow CPM-179.


    1. The following locations: AVR, BUSN, FAR, GLXN, LEHN, MIL, RBX, REF

    2. Satellite Libraries

    3. Reading Rooms, e.g., AFST, COMP, ISLM, MANC, etc.

    4. Sublocations: materials with sublocations marked on the T2 rider, e.g., mil,stdy.


    1. Priority 1

    2. Attention riders: books which include Attention riders (Route item to OSMC)

    3. Non-book formats that are stand alone including, microforms, sound recordings, video cassettes, etc.

      Note: Computer disks began to be processed in March 2007. See CPM850 for processing instructions.

    4. To process mixed media, see Processing New Material for Offsite or Processing New AVE/FAX Material For Offsite.

    Note: Scores are processed for Offsite.

Last updated: 03/28/07 kmh