Cataloging Practices Manual [CPM-500]


MFHD Procedures


CPM 500 exists in a short version (locations to be used for ordering and cataloging) and in a long version that lists all possible location codes in CLIO. The long list includes the locations that are on the short list and also contains temporary locations and some inactive locations that are in CLIO.

SHORT LIST (CLIO locations used for ordering and cataloging)

LONG LIST (All CLIO location codes)

Both lists are maintained by Library Systems and are automatically updated as new locations are defined or existing ones are changed.

Consult the short list to:

  • determine whether a location code should be used on an order form, a T2 form and in the CLIO holdings record. (If a code on an order form or a T2 is not present on the short list, it should probably not be entered into the holdings - consult supervisor for advice)
  • to help determine appropriate t.p. verso of label text for location codes
  • to check whether a location is non-circulating when assigning item type for printed monographic materials. Consult CPM 420 when assigning item types for other materials.

    Consult the long list:

  • To ascertain exact text of code to be input into Temp. loc of item record (Note: with the exception of glx,pre which is assigned by copy cataloging staff in MPS, the assignment of temporary locations to item records takes place in departmental collection maintenance units and should not be input by central technical services staff)
  • To assist in resolving questions about appropriate use of location codes

    Both lists are arranged in alphabetical order by code and are organized as follows:

    Left column = location codes that may be present in holdings or item records. (Location codes should be input using lower case letters)

    Center column = Text to write on t.p. verso and text on spine label or binding slips that will result from the location. (NOTE: See CPM-801 for book marking instructions for locations with reference sublocations other than eax or uts).

    If the center column reads "n/a" for not applicable, it generally means that the location is used only for ordering (e.g. sho) or represents a location for specialized or unclassed material that generally do not get a spine label (e.g. rare books). If the label/binding text consists of two or more words separated by spaces, write each term separated by spaces on a separate line above the call number.

    Example: Location code morl should be written on t.p. verso as


    Write all t.p. verso text using capital letters - the spine label will also print as capital letters.

    Right column = OPAC display generated by the code.

    Once a location is input into 852 $b of the holdings record, any items created for that record will automatically have the same permanent location and the corresponding text will display in the OPAC.

    Location change

    Subsequent to initial input, the location on the holdings or the item may be changed by departmental collection maintenance or other staff according to guidelines. If a change to location is made on the holdings record, the identical change must be made in the Perm loc. column of the item record and vice versa. If the change is not made, the permanent location that is in the item record is the location which will display in the OPAC instead of the location that is in the holdings record. (Exception: Staff in East Asian Library adding new volumes to set or serials located at Offisite, follow local procedure (EA-TS 136) or consult supervisor).

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    Last updated: 01/10/05 ink