Bibliographic Record Procedures
This document inventories local fields, other than
965, added as part of Columbia processing or present on shared
cataloging copy. 9XX codes found on cataloging copy are routinely
Many of the 9XX fields listed below support the RTI
which is an LWEB presentation of selected databases and important online
electronic reference sources and e-journal title listings on LWEB.
Some 9XX fields are protected during bibliographic
RLIN fields 955 (copy level information) and 998 (local control
information) appear in bib records after download from RLIN but are
removed when records are reloaded after LTI (authority control
processing). OCLC field 994 (OCLC location symbol) appears in records
downloaded from OCLC by catalogers and is removed when the records are
reloaded from LTI. 994 is removed in batch loaded records prior to LTI
- 900
The 900 field is automatically added after a record has undergone
authority control
and TOC processing.
RLIN local data element A
- 910
RLG standards note field used by the East Asian Library.
- 920
When a new electronic resource is cataloged, LSO creates persistent URLs (URNs)
for display in the library's OPAC and in Web
presentations of electronic resources. The resolver URL is inserted in the
856 field and the publisher's URL is moved to a 920 field.
856 40 http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/resolve?clio4329618
920 40 http://hbcpnetbase.com/
- 938
Contains vendor specific ordering information from book vendors such as
Casalini Libri.
- 950
RLIN local holdings data.
- 966
The 966 field contains
genre codes for electronic resources, e.g.,
wb for Website. This field determines which Resource Types users
can browse or limit by in the RTI.
- 967
RTI subject category codes are supplied by selectors to supplement or
replace Library of Congress classification in e-resource listings in LWEB.
"CCC" codes cause e-resources to sort into one or more HILCC subject
In the example below the 3 numeric codes will cause the database Art
and archaeology technical abstracts online to appear in 3 different
subject listings: Arts, Architecture & Applied Arts, History &
Archaeology and Engineering and Applied Sciences.
$a 1219 $a 1183 $a 1006
- 969
The 969 field contains menu labels for RTI titles.
index to oral history collections in English from around the world.
- 979
Stores Institution Record (IR) IDs that have been deleted from the 035
fields of East Asian records. EAL changed from using IRs to using master records in 2016.
- 987
Indicates the status of records being converted from Wade-Giles to Pinyin
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Last updated: 12/28/2015 kmh