Bibliographic Record Procedures
See also 965 Marker Output Chart
A complete list of 965 markers may be found on the
Bibliographic Record Statistics page This list also indicates how many
records in a category are suppressed.
The 965 field serves multiple purposes. It may record the origin of
vendor supplied cataloging copy or indicate that a record is the result
of retrospective conversion (RECON). It may indicate
that a record is part of a particular cataloging process or project. The
965 marker is also added as part of the transcription of GC cards and in
automated batch matching processes.
Besides indicating the origin and "reason" of the on-line record,
the marker can prevent certain categories of records from uploading to
OCLC, BNA (TOC) or LTI (authority control). It may also be used to
produce system-generated reports of statistical or other data.
When RLIN was used by Columbia for cataloging (1977-June 1992),
this information was coded into field 035. Once these records loaded into
CLIO, data in the 035 field was mapped into field 965.
General principles regarding the rules for 965 include the following:
- Prefix 965 codes with 965, e.g., 965sabin. This practice began in
- PAYREC as a code or appended to a code means that the record serves
only to record payment information. It is used by Acquisitions staff. The
records should be suppressed.
- Records beginning with CU, e.g., CUACM, or HS, e.g., HSEBSCO, are
payment records used by central or Health Sciences acquisitions.
- Vendor supplied records are not
uploaded to the
utilities or sent out for BNA TOC processing. Some large record sets are
not sent to LTI.
- Records created in OCLC or by OCLC as part of a recon project are
blocked from upload back to OCLC. Before April 2005, the 965 field code
RECON was followed by various extensions to indicate specific projects,
e.g., RECONb85, In April 2005, all variations of the code were changed to
Warning: It is possible for a record to have more than one
965 marker. Remove the 965 marker when cataloging variant editions or
when doing original cataloging of "BATCH" records for which copy was not
found. Do not remove a 965 marker for any other reason.
- ccs
retrospective conversion of south east asian materials by OCLC RETROCON
- Anx2
retrospective conversion of cards for books moved to
Prentis and later sent to OCLC for batch processing (originally, records
were only brief records) (done in CLIO and completed by OCLC)
- fmest
Foundation of Modern Economic and Social
Thought is a NEH sponsored preservation microfilming project.
Items are cataloged by OCLC Preservation Services Center
- marclink99
defined for RETROLINK recon of Columbia dissertations, french literature classed
in Dewey, monographs classed in H-HD, monographs classed in PG 1-3987, etc.
local retrospective conversion for NEH-sponsored preservation projects,
during which books were repaired and records were created
- rcp___
retrospective conversion of sections of the shelflists
performed by OCLC RETROCON unit
retrospective conversion of GC cards during various
bibliographic processes either in-house or using a vendor such as OCLC.
Prior to April 2005, recon projects were identified by means of extensions
to the RECON code, e.g., RECONb85.
Do not input the RECON code when adding copies to existing records.
- RECONstor
local retrospective conversion of cards for books to be moved to the
off-site storage facility
Recon done for the East Asia Library by RLA(Retro Link Associates).
- RLA-Phd
retrospective conversion of Columbia dissertations by RLA (Retro Link
Slavic Culture and History grant microfilming project
done by OCLC. Grants are numbered, e.g., SCH4
- selectorscanning
Books selected by selectors for digitizing.
- uarecap
University Archives recon project
Starting in 1994, "in-process" records that originated as acquisitions records
in RLIN as well as those backlogged since June 1992 were sent to OCLC for
automated searching. When standard cataloging copy was found, the
record was overlaid with a 965 field with the word "BATCH" or later
Starting in 1996, other "in process" were sent to RLIN for a
similar copy search. These records contain a 965 marker with the
word "DIOGENES", "MARCADIA" or "BLWrecon."
Other categories of records use the 965 field for identification purposes.
- 965crcnet
CRC Press books
- 965ENGpro
Engineering books from Books 24x7
- 965Gerritsen
Women's history books
- 965mellonaudio
Record in-process or cataloged for Mellon Audio Preservation Project.
In-process records are suppressed.
- 965MMW
Making of the Modern World economics collection
- 965msia
Books digitized by Microsoft for the Internet Archive
- 965oar
Book ordered by means of the OOF (Online Order Form)
- 965RSC
Royal Society of Chemistry
- 965sabin
Sabin Americana
- 965SerialSet
Readex U.S. Congressional Serial Set
- acls
records supplied by ACLS for the History E-Book (HEB) Project
- Acopian
Armenian Books bought on the Acopian fund
OCLC batch processing of backlog materials by OCLC
- bcdaccess
brief records created to standards for access level records
- BLWrecon
RLIN (Back Stage Library Works) batch processing of backlog materials from
- books24x7
vendor supplied e-book records for technical reference books
- corporatereports
Business Library serials (mostly NYC related) cataloged for preservation
- das
Documenting the American South e-book records
received on subscription from OCLC
- dhirc
Dharam Hinduja Indic Research Center
that funded Prof. David Pingree's work including a catalog of Smith
Indic Manuscripts in RBML. Cataloged in CLIO with encoding level 5
- digitalnyc
early NYC books and serials cataloged for Digital New York City project
RLIN batch processing of backlog materials by RLIN. Replaced by Marcadia
and later Back Stage Library Works
- ebook
locally created record for a vendor supplied e-book in an aggregation
- ebrary
vendor supplied eBrary electronic book records
- ecco
vendor supplied Eighteenth Centruy Collections
Online. Records derived from ESTC records
- eebo
Early English Books Online
- E-MARCIVE and E-MARCIVE (modified)
Marcive records for electronic resources. "Modified" records are print
records adjusted as part of record loading.
e-books cataloged directly in OCLC for titles published by the
Electronic Publishing Initiative at Columbia for
Columbia University Press used for gutenberg-e and Columbia
Earthscape titles, and is used to extract a set of records for EPIC to
make available to subscribers
e-books cataloged directly in OCLC for the Electronic Text Service. The
project ended in 1995
- iraccess
access level records for electronic resources
- ircr and ircrc
records automatically generated from the Internet Resource
Cataloging Request form. ircrc indicates that cataloging is
- jazzstudiesonline
A special project for EPIC
- knovel
vendor supplied science and engineering e-book collection
local resource file (LTLB) containing LC records for batch processing of
backlog materials. Service discontinued after Feb. 7, 2003
RLIN batch processing of backlog materials. Replaced by Back Stage Library
Works in 2005
records for analytics contained in major microform
sets which were purchased from OCLC and loaded by Systems
- MMS (eebo)
Early English Books microform set
- MN_____-_
master negative control number for Columbia
preservation microform; cataloged directly in CLIO but also loaded from
- moa
Making of America project records
(e-books and e-journals) provided by the University of Michigan consisting
of a collection of American social history material
- netlibrary
vendor supplied e-book collection that numbers over 10,000 records
- oclcbatch
OCLC batch processing of backlog materials by OCLC
digital books cataloged as part of a Mellon grant for the
Online Books Project at Columbia in 1999
On The Fly (brief bib records)ares created to
circulate books without cataloging records. OTFR records are
created for reserves materials
- payrec
records created by SAS or HSL to track payments for electronic journals.
- pcc
Program for Cooperative Cataloging records created
at in CLIO instead of OCLC when OCLC needed such records to be sent in a
separate file
- SerialsSolutions & SerialsSolutions(brief)
vendor supplied e-journal records. Full records are based on CONSER paper
records and brief records are either created by the vendor or based on
Ulrich's brief records
Soviet Nationalites Collection. Marker retained from
initial RLIN project phase. In current use as a counter after collection
transferred to ReCAP (snc was formerly a sublocation).
- soafilm
brief records for School Of the Arts films processed
in CLIO for transfer to ReCAP
- tempanalytic
used for EncLvl 5 preliminary records (with permanent call number in
holdings) for serial analytics which are periodically output for batch
- vrr
Virtual Reading Room
13 E-books cataloged as a pilot project for Columbia
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Last updated: 12/09/09 kmh