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The other command button on the Synopsis title bar, List Images, offers the full list of all images chosen for that manuscript.  You can imagine why that's useful:  the Synopsis View as it first appears on your screen shows the straight descent from Manuscript to the last-entered Part (of potentially several parts), to the last-entered Text (of potentially several texts), and then a small panel with four Image records of that one last text (its own scroll bar leads the eye downwards to more image records).





List Images, however, will show the complete shebang  —all the images of the manuscript— plus it shows the status of each chosen image (New; Worksheet; In-process; Complete).  And it arranges the list of images in sequence order, not in the order of the Digital Object ID (i.e. not in the order in which the various images were entered into DS-Access).  And on its title bar it announces the count of the number of images for that one manuscript.


Final bits--on either end of the title bar

On the far left side of the title bar with the command buttons that we've been considering is a small black arrow; if you press it, you're taken to the Browse View of the manuscript description that you've just been looking at.




On the far right side of the title bar is the Close button, and it accomplishes precisely that task.




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Last published: 2009-01-06
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