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Search the User Guide: Status of Images

Status is a drop-down box with four choices:  New; Worksheet; In-Process; Complete, three of which occur automatically; the last, Status=Complete, requires your personal and assiduous attention.


Status:  New.  This is the default status of an image at the moment at which you enter information about it at the Manuscript Metadata tab, and then Save & Close the Image record.


Status:  Worksheet.  When you are preparing the list of manuscript shelfmarks with relevant images to hand to the photographer, you open each chosen image record by bringing to the surface in the Synopsis View the relevant Manuscript, Part, Text; in the Image window, you then click on the small black arrow to the left of the desired image, and you thus arrive at the Edit Image screen.  At the top of that screen you'll find a button labeled "+ Worksheet.  Click on that button, and the information about the image is transferred to the Worksheet; at that very moment, Status, for this particular image, changes its designation automatically to Worksheet. 



The Worksheet itself is found by going to the main top toolbar for DS-Access, and choosing "Reports and Data"; the first item listed is the Image Processing Worksheet. You can print the Worksheet, use it to pull the manuscripts intended for that day's photography, and you can hand the Worksheet to your photographer.  He'll even find a checkbox on the printed Worksheet so that he can manually check off each image as he works his way through the list.



Status:  In-Process.    When you have printed out the Worksheet, you can then delete it in order to start a new fresh Worksheet for the next stint of photography.  The "Remove All" button on the Worksheet does precisely that.  It also changes the status of each image that had been on the Worksheet, and that was so designated, to the next step of an image's status; each image automatically becomes Status=In-process.

If necessary, instead of removing all the images, you can remove selected ones individually, by clicking on the X button on the right of the form.  This changes the status situation back to New.



Status:  Complete.  The ball is now squarely in your court.  The computer has no way of knowing when the photographer has finished his work, when the manuscript is returned to the vault, when the image is placed on a server.  It's up to you to go back to that record and manually change the image's status to Complete.  You'll be glad you did when you're assessing current levels of work on your DS project; you'll be glad you did when you need to predict work left to accomplish or when you're writing progress reports.



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Last published: 2009-01-11
© Columbia University Libraries