Digital Scriptorium  

Institutions Table (tblInstitutions)

Manuscript level: Institutions

Description: Institutions represent the top level of the DS-Access data model. Institutions contain Repositories.

Technical Description: The Institutions table (tblInstitutions) is an MS Access table stored in the DS-Access data file (dsdata.mdb). It has a 1 to many relationship to the Repositories table (tblRepositories).

Notes: InstitutionCodes are determined and issued exclusively by the hosting instiution (Columbia University), and cannot be added, modified, or deleted via the application. A single instance of DS-Access can manage the holdings of multiple institutions. If a single institution maintains multiple instances of DS-Access on seperate machines, an InstitutionCode may appear in multiple databases, although their associated Repositories will not overlap.

The Institutions table contains the following fields:

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Last published: 2007-12-10
© Columbia University Libraries