Digital Scriptorium  


Manuscript level: Institutions

Description: Institution is the descriptive name of a particular participating organization.

Technical Description: Institution is a required field allowing up to 255 characters of any kind.

Notes: Institution is editable by the user, but should consistently represent a single institution across all instances of DS-Access. Institutions are associated with a unique InstitutionCode. A single instance of DS-Access can manage the holdings of multiple institutions. If a single institution maintains multiple instances of DS-Access on separate machines, an Institution/InstitutionCode may appear in multiple databases, although their associated Repositories will not overlap.

Master list of Institutions for all participating DS partners:

City College of New York
Columbia University
Conception Abbey and Seminary
Fordham University
Free Library of Philadelphia
Grolier Club
Harvard University
Huntington Library
Jewish Theological Seminary
Johns Hopkins University
New York Public Library
New York University
Providence Public Library
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
San Francisco State University
State of California
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Davis
University of California, Riverside
University of Kansas
University of Missouri
University of Notre Dame
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh
University of Texas, Austin
Census of Greek Manuscripts
(Holdings from some institutions listed above will also be represented in the census)

Boston Medical Library
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Boston Public Library
Drew University
Duke University
Dumbarton Oaks
Freer Gallery
Library Company
Library of Congress
Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago
Massachusetts Historical Society
Morgan Library & Museum
Newberry Library
University of Chicago
University of Michigan

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Last published: 2009-07-14
© Columbia University Libraries