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Cataloging Practices Manual | [CPM-570] |
See also Added Copy Processing Decision Chart for Materials in the Same Format.
If CLIO has a matching record for book in hand (1XX to 4XX match) and at least one holdings of that record has a call number and the book in hand is not a duplicate, create a new MFHD for the book in hand. If cataloging multiple copies of single volume monographs or complete sets of multivolume works, create a separate MFHD for each copy.
If bibliographic record has OTF or OTFR in the 965 field, do not use the record for any processing.
If CLIO has more than one record for the same work and the duplicate record is not an error (e.g. the duplicate record resulted from batch loading of records with either location docs, hsl, nyspi, orth, or uts or any of their sublocations) consult CPM-571 to help decide which record to use to process the book in hand.
When processing added copies, examine the summary holdings or hierarchy.
If all copies are Suppressed, unsuppress the record at
the title level by unchecking the Suppress from OPAC box in the bib record
Is the only cataloged copy a UTS (Burke library) location (or uts followed by various sublocations)?
If so, check bibliographic record history. If the date is a May 2004 load it means the record has been tape loaded into CLIO and may NOT be standard. If determined to be standard, add new holdings for copy in hand. If not standard, search OCLC for standard record and overlay as needed. If date on the history is June 2004 or later, record was processed by Butler Technical Services staff and can be used as any other record.