Cataloging Practices Manual [CPM-001]


Pre-cataloging Procedures


  1. Do not consider records with 965 OTF or OTFR to be duplicates. Ignore these records and proceed to step II. below.

  2. Do not accept or process gifts of offprints or reprints of articles for cataloging if we own the journal or conference proceedings (regardless of format). Route such offprints or reprints to BIH with a T1 form marked as Duplicates.

  3. If the T2 says that a book is wanted only if new to CUL, follow steps IV-VIII below to determine if a book is a duplicate. In all other instances, process the item in hand regardless.

  4. If the only locations found in CLIO are BAR, DOCS, UTS or HSL, evaluate the copy for possible upgrade and add the CU copy.

  5. Process the book in hand regardless if it is one of the following locations or the only location found in CLIO are one or more of the following:

  6. Non-circulating locations within circulating collections (BUSN, GLXN, LEHN)

    Process the book in hand for the three following locations: BUSN, GLXN, LEHN only if there is no other copy at the exact same location (e.g. the book in hand is selected for glxn, and there is a copy already for glxn, the book is a duplicate; if however there is a copy for glx, then process the book in hand for glxn)

  7. Offsite duplicates guidelines

    When a selector designates a newly received material for Offsite, examine CLIO:

  8. Follow the chart below if the book in hand is still a duplicate after considering categories IV through VII above.






    CLIO STATUS (of book we already have)


    Firm Order

    Standing Order

    Gift via BIH or ASX


    Cataloged Record

    Return to MAS as duplicate



    Send to BIH for discard.

    Add if hard bound.

    Send to BIH if paperback.







    Book on order/in-process/standing order

    Add on new MFHD

    Consult Supervisor

    Add on new MFHD

    Add on new MFHD

    Add on new MFHD

  9. Routing duplicate materials: see also CPM 879
    1. If the piece in hand has a holdings record in CLIO:
      • Suppress the holdings record (if it is the only holdings attached to the bib, suppress the bib record as well)
      • Remove any tracking reference to the department
      • Add $x DUPLICATE to the 852 field
      • Complete a T1 rider, indicating the Holdings ID of the piece already held, and place it in the book
      • Place the volume flat in the box on the Duplicate Shelf for review.
    2. If the piece in hand does not have a holdings record in CLIO:
      • Complete a T1 rider, indicating the Holdings ID of the piece already held, and place it in the book
      • Place the volume flat in the box on the Duplicate Shelf for review.

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    Last updated: 06/03/16 mdw