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Technical Information > DS-Access > Version 9 > User Guide > Appendices > Submitting DS-Access Data to the Digital Scriptorium Website
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Appendix D - Submitting DS-Access Data to the Digital Scriptorium Website

1. On the DS-Access 'Reports and Data' menu select 'Export...'.

2. Click 'Standard Export for Digital Scriptorium Website'.


3. Open 'My Documents' to confirm the export was successful by locating the exported XML file.

     DS-Access_Export.[Institution Code].[Repository Code(s)].[Date].xml

     Note: A second file, ending in .xsd, is also created in the 'My Documents' folder; this file is unnecessary and can be deleted.

4. Use the form below to browse to the exported XML file and submit it for integration into the Digital Scriptorium website.

XML File:

Please indicate your DS-Access version information: (On the DS-Access 'General' menu select 'About DS-Access')

Interface Version: Schema Version:

Please provide your contact information along with the XML file so we can contact you if necessary.


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Last published: 2009-07-27
© Columbia University Libraries