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Search the User Guide:  ID Numbers

Again, on the title bars at the three levels, are the ID numbers for each Manuscript, each Part, each Text; they also exist for each Image and you click on the image's list-entry to see its ID number.  In its wisdom DS-Access doesn't put production of ID numbers in our hands; the numbers spontaneously generate with the Save & Close click at every level.  Nor are these numbers editable by us mortals.  It bears saying directly:  the level ID numbers do not need to be sequential; they only need to be unique.  The uniqueness is what allows one to add or delete the one chosen record at any level (always provided that the soon-to-be-defunct record has no living children.  If you really must kill off a record, you need to dispose of its children first.)  The ID numbers will prove actively indispensable, however, when we proceed to the Browse View, so hold your breath until you can learn the exciting news about reassigning! 


Incidentally, and as a reminder, the Digital Object ID numbers are not the same thing as the Image ID numbers.  The distinction between the two is discussed in the appropriate section of the Image Level.



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Last published: 2009-01-06
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