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Search the User Guide:  Reassign





Work down the hierarchy by choosing the Manuscript you want, then the Part you want, then the Text and finally the Image.  As you highlight each descendant record, its own ID number appears in the gray title bar across the top of the Browse View form.  Of course, you only need to go as far down in the hierarchy as the level at which you intend to take action.  Once you've reached that point, go up to the title bar and click on the arrow of the drop-down menu to bring down the menu of choices:

  • Open Manuscript
  • Reassign Part
  • Reassign Text
  • Reassign Image

Choose your action.  This provokes the database to change the command button on that title bar from "Open" to "Reassign."  Type the appropriate ID number into the so-labeled text box.  You may also use the standard Microsoft commands for copy-and-paste:  CTRL + C for the ID number that you want to copy, then CTRL + V for the slot where you wish to paste it.






Now that the ID of the record segment that you intend to move is entered into the slot for it, go find the Manuscript-Part-Text (or however deep you need to go) to which you'll move that particular Image-Text-Part (or however high you're located).  Highlight the new parent.  Click on Reassign.  The database wants you to confirm your choice:  "Are you sure that you want to reassign [X] to [X]?"  Click Yes, and voilà, that former child of one parent now has been legally adopted by a new parent.





But, wait!  You almost forgot something!  Now that you have moved segments around, the folio numbers of the new parent might not be correct anymore; the Sequence numbers of the children might not be, either.  Go check.  Go change if necessary.


The Close button at the upper right of the Browse View sends you back to the Synopsis View.




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Last published: 2009-01-01
© Columbia University Libraries