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3.3 Part Level


Click on Add Part to open the form on which you'll enter the information regarding a manuscript's physical characteristics. Enter data. Pink-labeled fields are required. Click on Save & Close.  Or click on Cancel and you thereby jettison the record segment before it has really come into existence.

If at a later time further codicological examination reveals that a manuscript has more parts than originally entered, you'll bring that particular Manuscript level up to the visible surface in the Synopsis View; you'll click again on Add Part, enter the new information, and click on Save & Close.  Then you can reassign the Text to its appropriate parent (you use the Reassign mechanism of the Browse View for that; more later).  Perhaps, your brain being weary and confused, you wrote all the information for a certain Part, and for its multiple Texts, and for their vast descendence of Images, and only later did you discover that all should have been nested inside a different Manuscript.  Easy as pie: go to that ill-begotten Part, and Reassign it; it and its children en masse hie themselves over to their new parent.  (Remember, though, to change the Sequence number accordingly.) You can Delete a Part, too, and you know how to do it, but continue reading to plumb the depths of this potentially cruel behavior.



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Last published: 2009-01-11
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