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Technical Information > DS-Access > Version 9 > User Guide > Enter an Entire Record
Search the User Guide:  Revisit, Suppress Images

Just like at the Manuscript level, you may decide to mark an image record in order to revisit it, and this is usually done because you have doubts about the caption.  You may also/instead decide to Suppress the image.  Why?  Well, maybe all the other images for this manuscript have been finished, they're on a production server, and you want DS Central to add the manuscript's bibliographic record to the web; at the same time, you don't want the public request for this particular image to produce an error message, "No image available."  Suppress would inhibit this one image segment record from appearing on the web until you were ready to un-suppress it.


There are Reports that will collect all the Revisit or all the Suppress checks at the Image Level, so there's no excuse for forgetting them, and leaving your image records not quite as polished up as you might have wished, or leaving your images completely invisible to the public.




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Last published: 2009-01-11
© Columbia University Libraries