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3.1  Default Values

Your copy of DS-Access has been specially configured for you, with codes (that DS Central uses) and display forms for the City, Institution and Repository (or Repositories) according to choices at your home institution.  Before you begin entering records, please take a moment to check these:  do the display forms in fact represent the desired formats?  If not, change them. They are in the Settings menu with options for present location respectively as:

Institutions = most likely only one

Repositories = easily several of them

Default Values = with the city name

The second category of default information doesn't have immediate implications for your inputting, but you might as well check it now, too.  This device builds the patterns for the image URLs that will eventually point to your institution's images on the web.  Still in the Settings menu, check the information (which will be pre-installed if DS Central is hosting your images) under Derivatives / URLs; you'll also read about this in the section on Image Level inputting.

If the URL pattern building isn't pre-installed, i.e. if your institution plans to serve its own images, make an appointment sooner rather than later with your institution's technical staff to determine the precise shape of your URLs, and to enter that pattern into DS-Access under Derivatives / URLs.  Then contact DS Central to let them know what pattern your institution will follow, just in case there's some part of it that won't synch well with other institutions' URLs.  No surprises, that's the mantra.


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Last published: 2009-01-11
© Columbia University Libraries