2.5 Play Around
Go ahead; make a pretend record, and to be sure that you will certainly recognize it as ersatz, give it a blatantly false name: My Dog's MS 1. More importantly, check its Suppress box at the top of the New MS form. Enter descriptive information at the Manuscript level, close the form, open it again, change it. Try leaving a required field blank and see how DS-Access objects. Add new descendants: a couple of Parts, a bunch of Texts, as many Images as you want. This is a fake record, and once you have a sense as to how the program works, you should delete this record. In order to delete, you reverse the order followed in building the description in the first place, i.e. you start at the lowest level of the hierarchy (the Images), and work your way upwards, deleting each level as you go (the database won't allow you to behave in any other manner; you'll see).
This ersatz record contravenes one of the basic Best Practices rules: never enter silly information; it risks staying put. Don't count on the Suppress button to always and forever keep this record from public eyes; you never know. Delete the whole record.
Remember: you'll use the New or Add buttons to open a form if the record doesn't already exist; you'll use the Edit button in each case to open a form when it does; and the Save & Close, and Close buttons bounce you back to Synopsis.