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4.1  Edit MS, Part, Text

By now you've encountered the various Edit buttons that bedeck the various title bars:  Edit Manuscript, Edit Part, Edit Text.  With regard to the images, the process has a slightly different appearance, so we'll discuss editing images separately.  On the three upper levels of the description hierarchy, this is the manner for proceeding.  Bring the manuscript description that you're working on up to the surface in the Synopsis View.  Bring the part and the text up to the surface.  Click on the relevant Edit button, make whichever changes or additions you planned on, click on the Close button.  If you haven't respected the same laws for required fields and field data types as you did for the New [Manuscript; Part; Text], the database police will spring into action and forbid your illicit behavior.  There, all done, it's as simple as that.


Except, that is, for one point:  if you find that your revisions are sufficiently beyond the correction of a typographical error, if they warrant a memory of your action upon them (and the choice is entirely up to you), you may use the Reviser and its Date fields at the Manuscript level, no matter at which level you accomplished the revision —remember, the child inherits the characteristics of the parent, all the way up the genealogical tree.  So, in the fields designated to record the revision process, enter your name; enter the day's date.




Later, if you need to count out the number of times you had to revise the original inputting, it's simple to do so.  "So what happens if I need to revise a description a second time?  Or a third time?"  DS makes the assumption that the most recent revision is the one that indeed reviewed the entire description and thereby accepted responsibility for it.  So DS tracks the initial inputting and the most recent revision only.  Write over the previous Reviser's name and the previous ReviserDate.




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Last published: 2009-01-03
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