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4.2 Edit Images




Nested in the Synopsis View is the form for images that have already been chosen and entered into DS-Access.  These are the images that belong to the visible hierarchy on the screen at that moment:  that parent Text, itself a descendant of that one Part, and going upwards in the pedigree to the Manuscript whose shelfmark is in evidence.  Note the counter in the title bar:  it tells how many images there are for the particular parentage on the Synopsis surface. In the sample shown above, we see that this text has five images, but we know that the form displays no more than four image selections at a time; we'll use the vertical scroll bar on the right to see the rest of the list of selected images.


Also on the title bar is the Image ID number of first image of this particular set (here it's 8684, which I mention so that we can be sure that you see what I see). The Image ID number only comes into play for us humans when we're reassigning an image to a different text; otherwise you may ignore it with impunity.


The visible columns are:  Sequence number; Folio; Caption, and they will order themselves according to the Sequence number that you entered manually into each Image record, independently of the order in which the image selection was accomplished.


If you'd like to make changes to any one image record, click on the small black arrow to the left.  Up pops the Edit Image form; have your will with it.  Close it. 



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Last published: 2009-01-03
© Columbia University Libraries