
Dr. James E. Hansen

Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions Program
Earth Institute
Columbia University
475 Riverside Drive (Room 520-C)
New York, NY 10115 USA

Other Publications

Publications listed on this page are not peer-reviewed. Many are opinion pieces which appeared in the editorial sections of newspapers.


  • April 11, 2022: Nuclear power must be part of New York's energy solution, Commentary in Albany Times Union.


  • September 8: A carbon tax is key to addressing the climate crisis -- and carbon dividends could get Congress to support one, Op-ed with Jonathan Marshall in the Boston Globe.
  • June 1: Biden should impose a carbon fee immediately, Op-ed with Daniel M. Galpern in the Boston Globe.


  • September 9: A socially and environmentally just way to flight climate change. Op-ed with Daniel H. Miller in the Boston Globe.


  • October 10: Fueling the next Rim fire, Op-ed with Chad Hanson in LA Times.


  • August 14: OK, US government see you in court. Op-ed in the Boston Globe.


  • October 26: Washington can lead on climate change by passing I-732. Op-ed in the Seattle Times.
  • May 16: Canadian Common Sense: Petition #e297. Op-ed in HuffPost.
  • April 28: Mr. Buffett's Ark. Op-ed in HuffPost.
  • March 22: What You Need to Know About the Irreparable Harm of Climate Change. Op-ed in HuffPost.
  • March 2: Reonal Climate Change and National Responsibilities. Op-ed in HuffPost.


  • April 4: Keystone XL: The pipeline to disaster. Op-ed in the Los Angeles Times.


  • Nov. 29: Climate change is happening now — a carbon price must follow. Op-ed in The Guardian.
  • May 9: Game Over for the Climate. Op-ed in The New York Times.


  • Nov. 3: The Price of Change. Op-ed in South China Morning Post.
  • Apr. 5: Obama's Second Chance on the Predominant Moral Issue of this Century. Op-ed on Huffington Post.
  • Mar. 11: Only a carbon tax and nuclear power can save us. Op-ed in The Australian.


  • Dec. 8: Storms of My Grandchildren. Book published by Bloomsbury, 304 pp.
  • Dec. 7: Cap and fade. Op-ed in The New York Times.
  • Nov. 29: Is there any real chance of averting the climate crisis? Op-ed in The Observer p. 26.
  • June 22: A Plea to President Obama: End Mountaintop Coal Mining. Op-ed on Environment360.


  • March: Tipping point: Perspective of a climatologist. In State of the Wild 2008-2009: A Global Portrait of Wildlife, Wildlands, and Oceans. W. Woods, Ed. Wildlife Conservation Society/Island Press, pp. 6-15.
  • Jan. 2: The wrong choice for Massachusetts. Op-ed in The Boston Globe.


  • July 28: Climate catastrophe. New Scientist, 195, no. 2614, pp. 30-34.
  • May 7: Why we can't wait. The Nation, May 7.
  • Mar. 12: Special interests are the one big obstacle. Op-ed in The Times of London.


  • Nov./Dec. Swiftboating, stealth budgeting, and unitary executives. World Watch.
  • July 13: The threat to the planet. New York Review of Books 52, no. 12, pp. 12-16.


  • March: Defusing the global warming time bomb. Scientific American 290, no. 3, pp. 68-77.


  • Aug. 1: Can we defuse the global warming time bomb? naturalScience.

    This page last updated Tuesday, 21-Jun-2022 21:48:29 EDT