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Nonviolent Power in Action—E-Seminar 1, Gandhi: Discovering the Power of Nonviolence
Dennis Dalton
Gandhi: Discovering the Power of Nonviolence is the opening e-seminar in a series of classes based on Dennis Dalton's extremely popular and chronically oversubscribed course on the nature and power of the Gandhian political philosophy and practice of nonviolence, which Dalton has taught since the late 1960s. Enter.

Nonviolent Power in Action—E-Seminar 2, Martin Luther King Jr.: An American Gandhi
Dennis Dalton
In his second e-seminar, Professor Dalton examines the practice and theory of the man who has been called "an American Gandhi," Martin Luther King Jr. In this e-seminar, Professor Dalton grounds Martin Luther King Jr. in the historical backdrop of Montgomery, and discusses King's very explicit principles and tactics of nonviolence. Enter.

Nonviolent Power in Action—E-Seminar 3, Gandhi's Disciples
Dennis Dalton
Gandhi's Disciples is the third e-seminar in a series based on Dennis Dalton's extremely popular and chronically oversubscribed course on the nature and power of the Gandhian political philosophy and practice of nonviolence, which Dalton has taught since the late 1960s. Enter.

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