Cataloging Practices Manual [CPM-840]


  1. Background

    This document describes how cataloging priority, sometimes in combination with other factors, determines routing and processing of books after cataloging has been completed.

    These instructions do not apply to the following categories of material:

  2. Procedures
    1. Wide green rider in book
      1. Route all books, both bound and unbound, to BSP.
      2. Note: BSP will label, stamp and tattle tape all books (including paperbacks) and send them to departmental libraries. Departmental libraries re-route paperbacks through BSP for binding when appropriate.

    2. Slim green rider with C33 rider or blue attention rider
      1. Route all books, both bound and unbound, to BSP.
      2. Note: BSP will label, stamp and tattle tape all books (including paperbacks) and send them to departmental libraries. Departmental libraries re-route paperbacks through BSP for binding when appropriate.

        Note: Avery/Fine Arts paperbacks are sent to the Shipping Room.

    3. Red rider in book
      1. Bound volumes--Route to BSP for labeling.

        (BSP will label, stamp and tattle tape and send to the departmental libraries.)

      2. Paperbacks
        1. Route to BSP for binding
        2. Exception: if the T2 has the instruction "please do no t bind," charge the item to the IN TRANSIT pseudopatron and route in an envelope directly to the departmental library via the shipping room. (Departmental libraries re-route paperbacks through BSP for binding when appropriate.)

    4. Red and blue riders in the same book
      1. Route bound volumes to BSP for labeling.
      2. Route paperbacks whose "date needed" on the BRF is "as soon as possible" or within two months of cataloging to the Shipping Room.
      3. Route paperbacks whose "date needed" on the BRF is later than two months after cataloging to BSP.

      (Paperbacks routed to BSP are sent to the Bindery before going to departmental libraries. Departmental libraries re-route paperbacks through BSP when appropriate.)

    5. Blue rider in book
      1. Route all books to BSP

    6. No colored rider in book
      1. Route all books to BSP

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Last updated: 10/20/99 kmh