Cataloging Practices Manual [CPM-551]


Holdings Procedures

Use the instructions below to track materials from one department to another or within a department.

  1. MFHD leader and 008--Do not adjust.

  2. 852 Field Indicators--Do not adjust.

  3. Location

  4. Call Number--Input In Process in subfield g.

    Note: Firm Orders routed from Acquisitions will not have the "$g In Process" note, only the routing location.

  5. Non Public Notes

    Notation information in subfield x of 852 field will not display publicly. Overtype existing tracking notation code with the code for the receiving department.

    Go to List of Tracking Notation Codes

    Input tracking notation code for processing department or selector shelves in a separate subfield x. In addition, input only priority 1 from the T2 immediately following the tracking notation code.


    $b glx $g In Process $x MPS1
    $b leh $g In Process $x OSMC
    $b ave $g In Process $x FAVE1
    $b msc $g In Process $x SCMC

    If the item is being held for a period of time within a processing department, add the initials of the person holding the book after the tracking notation code and a brief description of the problem


    $b glx $g In Process $x MPS/ads call # shelf
    $b glx $g In Process $x MPS/imb problem
    $b ets $g In Process $x OSMC/mw waiting for repl. CD

  6. Payment References

    A Payment reference tracks the purchase order # on which an item was ordered and paid. Payment references are also used when an item is received on standing order or was firm ordered and received on a CLIO record with or without a system link to the purchase order.

    Payment references from NOTIS migrated as non-public notes in the 852 field.


    $x $1ABD3760

    See also Payment Reference Chart

    In Voyager, Acquisitions or Cataloging staff will input payment references if necessary in a separate 900 field in the MFHD below any 8xx fields.


    A Voyager purchase order payment reference routed from MAS:

    852 0 0 $b leh $x MPS
    900 # # $a $MAS43241

    A NOTIS purchase order payment reference in a record tracked from MPS to OSMC:

    852 0 0 $b glx $g In Process $x OSMC
    900 # # $a $AGK3660

    A payment reference in a record tracked from SAS to MPS linking an analytic to a serial MFHD that doesn't have a purchase order:

    852 0 0 $b bus $g In Process $x MPS
    900 # # $a $H1571577

  7. Volumes in Multivolume Sets or Serials

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Last updated: 02/19/09 ink