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Search the User Guide:  Repositories

Again, go to Settings; from the menu, choose Repositories.  Same story.   This time, however, the code —which either is the correct MARC code, or is constructed according to the methods of the MARC organization codes— truly looks like one, and it incorporates letters that represent the state, the institution and the repository (or library).  Typically, American universities house their medieval and renaissance manuscripts in more than one repository (for example: the Special Collections Library; the Law Library; the Music Library, etc.); thus, if you are a formal partner of the project, and if you've alerted DS Central to your need for multiple repositories, your copy of DS-Access will be supplied to you with the various repositories and codes already in place.




 Before you start inputting actual records, however, your attention and nulla obstat will be much appreciated on this matter.  If any of the codes, whether of institutions or of repositories, cause you to hesitate, please contact DS Central before beginning your work.




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Last published: 2009-01-10
© Columbia University Libraries