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5.4  Settings




Moving right along, we're now at the next to the last item on the top title bar of DS-Access:  Settings.  Here eight options await your pleasure in the drop-down menu; luckily, you'll hardly have to deal with any of them (most will come to you, prepopulated by DS Central), except for the last, AutoCorrect Options. 

  • Institutions
  • Repositories
  • Derivative Sizes
  • Derivatives / URLs
  • Digital Object IDs
  • Default Values
  • File Locations
  • AutoCorrect Options


The goal here is to standardize information; you'll be helped in your inputting, and DS Central will be helped by receiving from its constituents precisely the same kinds of information with no typographical errors (which hasn't always been the case; this is one of those occasions where we could cite Bitter Experience, but you're tired of listening to us whine).  The final item is AutoCorrect Options; we'll cheer for it at the end of this section.




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Last published: 2009-01-10
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