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Search the User Guide:  Hide

You can Hide any number of columns, adjacent or not, in the Datasheet in order to retain those that pertain to some particular goal.  For example, with the Hide tool you can put mutually balancing columns side-by-side for checking:  you might want to see if every time you've checked the Part level's Dated box as Yes, there is indeed a date in the YearMonthDay field.  In this example all but four fields/columns are hidden, and the Dated field was sorted alphabetically which gathered all its Yes entries together.



If you wish to hide a number of columns, whether or not they are adjacent to one another, and if you wish to avoid the brain-numbingly dreary process of right-clicking one by one in each unwanted column, take the bold action of right-clicking in any column and selecting the Unhide tool.  This produces a checklist in which you deselect the fields that you don't want to unhide; in normal English this means that you leave the check marks on the fields that you want to see.



The other method is the same as the one that you followed to Freeze a number of adjacent columns:  hold down the left mouse button; select the columns; right-click outside of the highlighted space to produce the context menu; choose Hide Columns.

To Unhide?  At least this is easy.  Bring back that menu (by right-clicking on a visible column and choosing from the menu, "Unhide Columns"), and then add all the checks back into the boxes.

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Last published: 2009-01-11
© Columbia University Libraries