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5.5.5  Update DS-Access



When updates to DS-Access are prepared at DS Central, you'll be notified presumably by email.  The location for the soon-to-be-downloaded files is and will remain what you see above under No. 1.  (In case you're puzzled:  "sec" stands for "secure"; "cu" stands for Columbia University; "bts" stands for "behind the scenes"; all the rest you can read.)  Under No. 2 you will accept the default location, or browse to the location on your computer where you've downloaded the update.   No. 3 will only contain information when there is something to install, so if you were to click on "Instructions" right now, you would receive this message:




And if you were to click on "Start Update" right now, you would receive this message (after clicking through the three standard security warnings):




Click OK (after all, what else are you going to do), and you'll find that you're out of DS-Access altogether.  Not the end of the world; go back in in your usual manner.

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Last published: 2009-01-01
© Columbia University Libraries