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5.5.4  Compact and Repair Application

DS-Access completes this task swiftly; then, upon reentry to the database, you'll need to bypass the hurdle of the standard three security warnings, but that's simple enough.

We concede that compacting and repairing the application has little value to us cataloguers/inputters because we're not making changes to the front end of DS-Access (we can't; it's hidden from us; and besides, why would we want to change the application that is shared by all DS partners?  we'd be out of synch with the others, and there's no value to that!).    But we should certainly compact and repair the data, in particular if we've deleted data during our last session:  rewriting is an inefficient use of space; this action rectifies that and reduces the overall size of the database.




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Last published: 2009-01-11
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