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5.5.1  Back Up Data

This tool produces a view of the folder already containing your copy of DS-Access, but with browsing capacity to other areas of your computer, so that you may choose where you'd like the backup to reside.  It also assigns a name to the backup file that includes the date on which you are performing the backup; you are, of course, free to change the backup file's name, but we strongly encourage you to retain the date-stamp aspect of the default name.


What we truly truly encourage you to do is to backup your data regularly! Best Practice demands this!  Just imagine how distressing to have to re-enter three days' worth of inputting.  Just imagine the almost impossibility of remembering all those small corrections of typos, of clean-up of inconsistencies, of choices for more precise wording.  Write BACKUP DATA on your calendar, put it on your daily agenda, make it so automatic that you never finish a session without backing up the data.   You'll be very grateful that you did this the first time there's a problem.  Your boss will give you a raise.  You'll find True Love.  Stars will glimmer over your head.  OK, OK, so we exaggerate.  But we make a point, right?




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Last published: 2009-01-01
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