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3.3.3 Verification lists; Script Names

There are two verification lists, Country and Script Names; we’ll present Script Names first (in order to discuss together the issues about collecting and manipulating information on place and date of origin).


Script Names

Script terminology has been and continues to be a bugbear in manuscript studies, given the amount of national pride, history and habit that the various names represent.  We know better than to attempt standardization in one project when it is light-years away in the larger field itself; at the same time, there are surely fewer script names than there are country names.  Therefore, DS-Access offers a tool that encourages standardization, but makes room for inputter habit or in-house choices by allowing the insertion of additional script names into a prepopulated list.


The picture is self-explanatory.  You can choose, one by one, as many script names as you need, and click them into the Script field.  You can also add or subtract a script name to/from the list, to reflect local choices.  By using this tool, you will build consistency within your own copy of the database, and you will cut down on typographical errors.


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Last published: 2009-01-11
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