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2.4  Look Around

Open the application by clicking on the pale green DS icon on your desktop.  You'll see the Welcome Screen, in which a little boy reaches out through his letter D towards a blue grotesque. 



Click on Synopsis to see the main viewing screen; it's also the one from which you'll make your way into the various other forms for adding and for editing descriptions.   The first time you open it:  tabula rasa.



You enter your first and all successive descriptions in the same way:  to open the inputting form, click on its button, do that job, close that form; click on the button for the next level's form, enter the data, and click to close that form, and so on; the buttons to open the four forms are:

  • New MS
  • Add Part
  • Add Text
  • Add Image



No data entry or editing is performed on the Synopsis screen; it's intended to give you a bird's eye view of the material, and to act as the hallway with many doors that lead you to where you will accomplish the actual work.  To make changes to extant descriptions, click on the button for the desired form:

  • Edit MS
  • Edit Part
  • Edit Text
  • [the small black arrow next to the image metadata]



2.4.1 Colors and Nesting of Levels

2.4.2 Moving through the Forms

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Last published: 2009-01-11
© Columbia University Libraries