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DS-Access Version 8 Metadata Schema

Note: This content refers to a previous version of DS-Access. An updated schema description will appear soon.

The bibliographic data is collected in a 4-level system with potential 1-to-many relationships as one descends the hierarchy: one manuscript may have several parts; each part may have several texts; each text may have several images.

Schema of DS-Access Database Hierarchy (4-level system)

Diagram: One-to-one relationship Diagram: One-to-many relationship

There are 67 fields in the database, of which 14 are required (those marked [required] in the following list). See Data Dictionary for description of each field.


  1. City (default)
  2. Institution (default)
  3. Library (default)
  4. Shelfmark [required]
  5. Nickname
  6. Composite MS (default�no) [required]
  7. Total Folios [required]
  8. Physical Issue(s)
  9. Binding
  10. Provenance
  11. Bibliography
  12. Notes
  13. Reproductions
  14. Acknowledgments
  15. Source
  16. Inputter/Date [required]
  17. Reviser/Date
  18. Revisit


  1. Part Number (default�1) [required]
  2. Support [required]
  3. Watermark
  4. Span of Folios [required]
  5. Outer Dimensions [required]
  6. Country [required]
  7. Cardinal Point
  8. Region
  9. City
  10. Document (default�no) [required]
  11. Dated (default�no) [required]
  12. Date [required]
  13. Begin Date (automatic)
  14. End Date (automatic)
  15. Year-Month-Day
  16. Layout
  17. Alphabet
  18. Script
  19. Number of Scribes
  20. Scribe
  21. Music
  22. Representational Decoration
  23. Other Decoration
  24. Artist
  25. Notes
  26. Acknowledgments
  27. Sequence
  28. Revisit


[Note: requirement to fill in at least one of 4 fields: author/title/generic title/incipit]

  1. Span of Folios [required]
  2. Author
  3. Associated Name(s)
  4. Title
  5. Generic Title
  6. Language(s)
  7. Document Summary
  8. Rubric
  9. Incipit
  10. Explicit
  11. Status of Text
  12. Notes
  13. Acknowledgments
  14. Sequence
  15. Revisit


  1. Folio Number(s)
  2. Caption
  3. Iconclass
  4. Note to Photographer
  5. Sequence
  6. Revisit

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Last published: 2007-12-10
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