ARL/ALA 2009: LibQual Share Fair
Author(s): | Jennifer Rutner, Assessment & Marketing Librarian ( Colleen Major, E-Resources Librarian ( |
Conference: | ARL/ALA 2009, Chicago, IL |
Date: | 07/13/09 |
Download the poster from the LibQual+ Share Fair. (PDF)
Download the handout from the LibQual+ Share Fair. (PDF)
Download the presentation on our LibQual+ results. (PDF)
Using the LibQual+ survey in 2003 and 2006 Columbia University Libraries (CUL) collected fewer than 300 surveys responses each year, approximately 8% of a 4,000-person sample. In 2009, CUL took a new approach to sampling, setting the sample equal to the total population of 21,012 people; increasing the n by nearly twenty times to 3,892 responses. Improved marketing, an exciting incentive, and increased staff buy-in all contributed to the survey response. Additionally, the overall response was nearly perfectly representative by population discipline and status, providing CUL with the highest quality data it has gathered using LibQual+.
The presenters will be sharing information about Columbia University Libraries 2009 LibQual+ survey planning process. The presentation will feature examples of marketing materials, and highlight the role that the Assessment Working Group and Assessment Librarian played in the success of the 2009 survey. Current assumptions from the 2009 survey will be shared, as well as longitudinal data from 2003|6|9.