The call numbers are "expanded" to designate subjects more specifically both
by numerical tables (as in true Dewey) and by letter tables.  The tables
listed here are those used for many call numbers throughout the
classification.  Some of the "special schemes" used for specific call numbers
are noted later on in the notes for those call numbers.

Numeric Tables.

The numeric tables are all taken from DDC.

(1) Standard subdivisions.

		-01	Philosophy and theory
		-02	Compends
		-03	Dictionaries
		-04	Essays
		-05	Periodicals
		-06	Societies
		-07	Study and teaching
		-08	Polygraphy, collections
		-09	History

This table is used throughout DDC.  Notice its use even as part of the call
numbers 101-109, 201-209... .  Nearly all call numbers ending with 05 are
periodicals, e.g. 905, 940.5, 942.05.

(2) Areas.

		-2	Persons
		-3	Ancient World
		-4	Europe
		-5	Asia
		-6	Africa
		-7	North America
		-8	South America
		-9	Australia, Pacific, polar regions

Another much used table, wherever the topic at hand is to be divided
geographically.  920-999 is the model for the table, and the table actually
can be expanded like 920-999, so that 42 is Great Britain, 73 is USA as in
942 and 973 respectively.  It may be combined with 09 from table (1) making
094 Europe, 0942 Great Britain, 0973 USA.

(3) Ethnic and language.

		-1	[North Americans or USA English or Indo-European]
		-2	British or English
		-3	Germanic
		-4	French
		-5	Italian
		-6	Spanish and Portuguese
		-7	Ancient Roman or Slavic
		-8	Greek or Scandinavian
		-9	Others

The meaning of 1,2,7,8 depends on the topic being subdivided.  This table is
similar to the subdivision of 942-949 and of 810-890.

(4) Form divisions.

		-1	Poetry
		-2	Drama
		-3	Fiction
		-4	Essays
		-5	Speeches
		-6	Letters
		-7	Humor
		-8	Miscellany

This table is used in 800-899 for literary criticism.  It corresponds to
801-808, and in true DDC also to the form divisions 811-818, 821-828... .

(5) Language divisions.

		-1	Writing
		-2	Etymology
		-3	Dictionaries
		-5	Grammar
		-6	Prosody
		-7	Nonstandard forms of the language
		-8	Usage

This table is used for language call numbers in 800-899 (400-499 in DDC).  3
for Dictionaries is the most useful one to know, e.g. since 829 is English
language, 829.3 is dictionaries of English.

Alphabetic Tables.

None of these are from DDC.  Some derive from sources outside Columbia while
some seem to be local.  There are additional alphabetic tables used only for
certain call numbers.

(6) Alphabetic form table.

		A	Bibliography
		B	Biography
		C	Biographical collateral [Associates, Times]
		D	Literary criticism, Philosophy
		E	Textual criticism
		F	Opinions, learning
		G	Societies. Celebrations. Concordances
		H	Quotations
		I	Works
		J	Works in translation
		K	[varies]
		L	[varies, often collected poetry]
		M,N 	[varies]
		O-Z	Individual works [sometimes K-Z] usually in 
                        alphabetical order by title
		Z	Bound volumes of pamphlets [followed by numbers]

This table is used primarily in 810-899 and 180-199 although A for
Bibliography is found in many call numbers throughout.  See notes for Special
Tables for 810-899 for examples.  The letter from this table is usually
followed by a Cutter number (table below), resulting in what are called
double capitals.

(7) Time numbers [Biscoe date letters].

		A--	14-- (years 1400 to 1499)
		B--	15--
		C--	16--
		D--	17--
		E--	18--
		F--	19--

This table is used in 810-899 and 180-199 to classify editions by date.
Examples: E85=1885, F00=1900.  See notes in 810-899.

(8) Language table.

		I	English
		K	German
		L	Scandinavian languages
		M	French
		N	Italian
		O	Spanish
		P	other

This table, designed to avoid conflict with the time numbers (A-F), is used
mainly in 810-899 and often combined with letter J from table (6), so for
example JI is J (table 6, translated works) and I (table 8, English).  It
usually causes double capitals.  See notes in 810-899.

Cutter Numbers.

The Cutter table, devised by Charles Ammi Cutter, is used throughout Columbia
Classification to convert names, usually but not always authors, to
letter-number combinations called Cutter numbers.  A name begining with a
consonant (except S) is converted to the initial letter plus one or more
numbers.  For a name beginning with A E I O U S the first two letters are
used, a capital and a small, plus one or more numbers; names beginning Sc
take three letters.  Names beginning Z are often converted to Y5-Y9 so that Z
from table 6 can be used for bound volumes of pamphlets instead of the few
authors starting with Z.  With a couple of minor exceptions, all the small
letters in call numbers come from the Cutter table.

Further editions of a book, in the order acquired, are indicated by adding 1
and 2 to the same number.  For example, if the author initially was assigned
B24, the expected sequence would be B241, B2411, B2412, B24121, B241211.

Further works by the same author in the same call number (that is, more books
on the same subject) are indicated by adding 3.  If the author's
first-acquired book was B24 for example, another different book by that
author is expected to be B243.  This will vary in crowded areas where for
example B243 may have been already used for another author.

The Cutter table is used not only to convert personal names but also journal
titles, place names, and other names, in some call numbers.  The distribution
of the groups is based on English-language surnames, so it is less than ideal
for other types of names.

Authors may be designated by single letters in some cases.

The Cutter number tables were revised numerous times.  Columbia used the
original "two-figure" table, although the later "three-figure" tables were
compatible to some extent and may have been used for some cataloging work.
The two-figure table gives two numeric characters to use after consonants,
and one numeric to use after a vowel or S plus small letter.

Following are selected examples showing part of the tables for a vowel (A)
and a consonant (B).  There are different lists for each letter.

		Name	Number			Name 	Number
		Ab-	Ab1			B-     	B11
		Abbo-	Ab2			Bac-	B12
		Abd-	Ab3			Baco-	B13
		Abg-	Ab4			Bad-	B14
		Abi-	Ab5			Bail-	B15
		Abk-	Ab6			Bain-	B16
		Abn-	Ab7			Bak-	B17
		Abr-	Ab8			Bal-	B18
		Abu-	Ab9			Bald-	B19
		Ac-	Ac1			Ball-	B21
		Acc-	Ac2			Ban-	B22
		Ace-	Ac3			Bar-	B23
		Ach-	Ac4			Bark-	B24
		Acj-	Ac5			Barm-	B25
		Acl-	Ac6			Barne-	B26
		Aco-	Ac7			Barr-	B27
		Act- 	Ac8x			Bars-	B28
		Acu-	Ac9			Bas- 	B29

The following shows an actual application of the table, from call number 812.
The numbers derived from the Cutter table are expanded to create a different
number for each author.  In this instance, the Cutter numbers are being used
on the first line (a Columbia Classification practice) and the rule about
using 1 and 2 for editions is disregarded since the second line will take
care of identifying the edition.

Ab1 Abbey,H.      Ab13 Abbe,P.      Ab19 Abbe,G.      Ab191 Abbe,F.
Ab22 Abbott,A.    Ab26 Abbott,E.    Ab262 Abbott,C.   Ab263 Abbott,E.
Ab2633 Abbott,E.  Ab264 Abbott,G.   Ab265 Abbott,F.   Ab27 Abbott,L.
Ab271 Abbott,J.   Ab272 Abbott,L.   Ab32 Abdullah     Ab34 Abel
Ab35 Abelson      Ab37 Abernethy    Ab39 Abet         Ab82 Abrahams,I.
Ab822 Abrahams,D. Ab823 Abrahams,R. Ab8231 Abrahams,W....   

B11 Babcock,W. and Babson [error]   B113 Babbitt      B114 Babcock,B.
B1141 Babcock,H.  B1142 Babcock,W   B1143 Babcock,W   B1144 Babcock,D.
B12 B.G.L.        B121 Bacheller    B122 Bachmann,N.  B1224 Bach
B124 Bachmann,R.  B1243 Bachman     B13 Bacon,W.      B132 Bacon,E.
B1324 Bacon,E.    B133 Bacon,D.     B1331 Bacon,H.    B134 Bacon,L.
B1342 Bacon,J.    B135 Bacon,J.     B1352 Bacon,M.    B1353 Bacon,P.
B14 Badeaux       B142 Badley       B146 Bagby        B148 Bahr
B15 Baily,W.      B151 Bailey,L.    B152 Bailey,H.    B1521 Bailey,E.
B1522 Bailey,G.   B153 Bailey,M.    B1533 Bailey,J.   B154 Bailey,P.
B1541 Bailey,N.   B1542 Bailey,P.   B155 Bailey,R.    B1552 Bailey,R.
B156 Bailey,T     B157 Baily,W.     B16 Bain...

While this is not perfect alphabetical order, it is close enough that users
can browse shelves in these sections and find authors without the call 